May 2022 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom
In Attendance Rich Gegg (1), John Mahlmeister (2), Alex Weber-Kamin (2), Tasha Robles (3), Brandi Barnes (4), Rashmi Tenneti (4), Suzana Palaska (5), Ann Christine Jones (5), Doug Glucker (6), Lisa Merrifield (6), Urias Betoel Escobar (7), Jake Metz (9), William Schlaack (9), Lisa Bievenue (10), Julie Elzanati (10)
Absent Drew Schlosser (8), Tina Rolfe (7), Elizabeth Watts (11), Sara Ashcroft (11)
- Call to Order – Called to order at 1:15
- Guest Speaker: Vicky Gress, Acting Associate Chancellor and Vice Provost for Budget and Resource Planning – Operational Excellence at Illinois
- Vicky Gress provided an overview of the Operational Excellence initiative,, which emerged from Next 150 Strategic Plan and sets out to streamline, innovate, reduce costs, improve services, and coordinate processes at all levels. The team is focusing on fiscal, IT, marketing, and space sectors. The project has completed the imagine and decide phase and is currently in the bridge phase. The team will be moving into the detailed design phase and implementation during which newly designed roles will be formed. This will be an ongoing activity over the next couple of years and seeks to build continuity and clear career paths for professionals in these sectors on campus.
- Public Comment
- None
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- April 2022 Meeting Minutes approved
- Chair’s Remarks
- Please review and comment on CAM revisions at
- Benefits enrollment period is underway
- The CAP election process is underway for next term
- Announcements
- Opportunities are available for AP(s) on Senate committees. If you are interested reach out to John Mahlmeister.
- Illinois Human Resources Report: Deb Stone, Executive Director, Illinois Human Resources Policy and Administration.
- Legislative update:
- House bill 4508 has passed both houses and is expected to be signed into law. It amends some of the provisions in the public act for the State University Civil Service System. The act aligns practice with the language legislation and makes Juneteenth a holiday for Illinois universities.
- Senate bill 3120 amends the child bereavement act to provide 10 work days of unpaid leave for miscarriage, failed adoption, failed surrogacy, or still birth. Benefits are expected to begin on January 2023.
- House bill 1167, effective April 5, amends the COVID paid administrative leave benefits. We have received emails from the System’s level administrators. The bill provides COVID leave to all employees, even those who don’t normally have leave benefits. The legislation calls for restoration of personal leave used for COVID prior to this law. The University is still working on how to implement any changes. More will come as IHR works through details.
- Vacation and Sick leave reporting is required in May and in August. Have usage reported in the system by June 3 unless your unit requires and earlier deadline.
- A new applicant tracking system will be available July 11. July 6 will be the last day applicants can apply on the current job board. It will be a more modern system and will streamline HR processes.
- Benefits choice opened May 1. If you don’t want to make changes, you don’t have to go into the system except to reinstate flexible spending accounts. There will be no change to health care providers, but there are changes to premiums and copayments and flexible spending account limits.
- The SURS money purchase factors changes July 2. If you plan to retire in the next couple of years, use the benefits estimator to determine if the change will impact you.
- AP Development Fund – 34 requests that have been funded with 7 pending approvals. We do need to make sure we are able to review applications in a timely fashion to make sure we can provide funds before a conference occurs.
- Legislative update:
- Academic Senator Reports
- Please plan to share reports either live or via email. If you need to vacate the current positions, please let us know.
- Academic Senate Committee Reports
- Educational Policy: Nicole Turner
- Meet every Monday, but this committee is wrapping up for this year.
- Elections and Credentials: Brian Farber, Richard Gegg*
- The eligibility for AP electorate has been tabled for now.
- Joint Advisory Committee on Investment, Licensing, and Naming Rights: William Schlaack
- Have not met recently
- Public Engagement and Outreach: Sarah Christensen, Lisa Bievenue
- Trying to be promote better communication across campus about public engagement efforts.
- Beth Welbes, Extension Director of Program Planning Assessment, presented to the Public Engagement committee in February on Assessment Approaches. If anyone is interested in seeing the PowerPoint slides send email to
- Jackie Joyner Kersee Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition Innovation Center in East Central recently launched in partnership of Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation and Extension.
- Senate Executive Committee (SEC): Rich Gegg *
- Working on preparing governance and electing new officers for the new term.
- Educational Policy: Nicole Turner
- CAP Committee Reports
- Campus Administrative Manual Updates: Ann Christine Jones
- No report
- Campus HR Staffing Committee: *OPEN*
- No report
- CAPE Awards Committee: Tina Rolfe, Chaya Sandler
- No update
- Communications Committee: Lisa Bievenue, Lisa Merrifield, Ann Christine Jones
- No update
- Outreach Committee: Lisa Merrifeld, John Scott
- No update
- Officer Nominating Committee: John Scott
- No Update
- Procedures and Elections Committee: John Scott, Brandi Barnes, Lisa Bievenue, Terri Ciofalo
- 7 nominations have been received
- Public Safety Advisory Committee:*OPEN*
- No update
- Racism and Social Injustice: Gio Guerra Perez
- No update
- Recruitment and Retention: Suzana Palaska
- No update
- Special Events Advisory Committee: Brian Brauer
- No update
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee: John Mahlmeister, Lisa Merrifield
- Haven’t met
- Ad Hoc SAC/CAP Common Interest Areas: Jake Metz
- Jake is still waiting on information from IHR.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws: Jayesh Patel, Mindy Spencer
- A few changes have been made to follow senate guidelines on expectations for attendance or reports. Bylaws for review have been emailed to CAP representatives.
- Grievance Officer: Brandi Barnes
- No update
- Campus Administrative Manual Updates: Ann Christine Jones
- Unfinished Business
- Action on the Bylaws Committee Report
- Statutes Committee
- New Business
- Julie Elzinati suggested forming an ad hoc committee on Employee Wellness or Well-Being to discuss resources, continuing education, and ways for APs to connect outside of formal HR processes to provide support for chronic work and work-life balance issues and provide a safe space for employees to connect. Could be related to mental health to start. Julie provided this resource
- CAP voted to form this ad hoc committee lead by Julie
- Julie Elzinati suggested forming an ad hoc committee on Employee Wellness or Well-Being to discuss resources, continuing education, and ways for APs to connect outside of formal HR processes to provide support for chronic work and work-life balance issues and provide a safe space for employees to connect. Could be related to mental health to start. Julie provided this resource
- Closed Session – No closed session
- Adjourned at 3:00
Dates and Locations of CAP Monthly Meetings and CAP-Sponsored Events
Date | Location | Notes and Other Events |
06/02/2022 | Zoom | Chuck Geigner, Interim Privacy and Security Officer |
07/07/2022 | Zoom | Sean Garrick, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion |