CAP Mission

The Council of Academic Professionals serves the interests of full-time, part-time, and retired academic professionals by:

  • Providing a communication channel between academic professionals, the Chancellor and other administrative officers of the University, through monthly meetings, and informal and formal communications with administration
  • Drafting and reviewing policies affecting academic professionals
  • Appointing representatives to University and campus committees, including liaisons to Faculty Senate committees
  • Annually guiding the selection process for the Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence (CAPE) Award, promoting recognition of academic professionals
  • Interviewing candidates for key campus administrative positions
  • Mediating and arbitrating academic professional grievances

The Council of Academic Professionals (CAP) is an elected assembly serving the interests of full-time, part-time, and retired academic professionals at Illinois. We provide direct and concerted communication between academic professional staff and administrative officers of the University. We are the voice of Academic Professionals (APs).