Meeting Info
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
- Call to Order (1:15 pm) Lisa Merrifield
- Chair’s Remarks
- We are in election season. If you are in Districts 1 and 7, you should have gotten an email from me this morning about how to vote. Please do. If you self nominated from districts 3, 4,6, or 8 for CAP or 6 and 8 for Senate, you will hear from me this afternoon.
- We are still looking for self-nominations in:
- CAP Representatives 2, 10 and 11
- Senate Representatives 2, 4 and 10
- We are also selecting the 2024-2025 slate of officers. If you are interested in a position, please let or one of the other officers know.
- Finally, you received an email on Tuesday about the Illinois Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund was developed by concerned faculty and staff for the purpose of financially assisting other faculty and staff in times of crisis. We will hear from Chris Ochs, director of Faculty/Staff Assistance and Wellbeing Services in May about who is eligible to donate and how to access the fund if you need it.
- Public Comment – None
- Review and Approval of Minutes – March 2024 Approved
- Speaker, Matt Wilson, State University Annuitant Association See recording for full discussion
6. Human Resources Report: Brain Farber, Chief of Staff & Special Projects, IHR Administration
AP Development Fund
- QU 1 July/August/September
- Amount awarded: $9,213.00
- 19 recipients
- QU 2 October/November/December
- Amount awarded: $13,921.00
- 28 recipients
- QU3 January/February/March
- Amount awarded: $14,344.00
- 45 applications
- 35 recipients
- 6 pending approval
- 4 not eligible
- Fiscal Year to Date
- Amount awarded: $37,478to 82 AP’s.
- SAC has proposed being included in a development fund and that will be something that Shari Mickey-Boggs has discussed with the Chancellor and he is supportive of including CS. I will reach out to both councils to begin discussions with both councils for opportunities to simplify and combine the processes.
- QU 1 July/August/September
- Illinois Value Proposition: IHR staff are in the process of evaluating the results of the Conversation Café’s and determining preliminary models which will be tested with pilot groups and then campus leadership. We had 200+ participants, a cross section of 78% of campus, and over 1,600 individual comments. We anticipate/expect an outcome of telling a compelling overall story about what makes Illinois an Employer of Choice. We will keep the council informed of our progress and this may be an opportunity for a future presentation.
- CAP proposal regarding leave benefits: As a reminder, the CHRO discussed this proposal with the Chancellor in December. The proposal is also being discussed and considered by the University of Illinois System office and sister schools as changes to AP benefits would require a Statutes change. IHR will continue collaborations on determining next steps that are aligned with the System.
- Employee Recognition: IHR has partnered with Special Events regarding recognizing employees for their years of service at the University. We have planned a combined event (CS staff, AP Staff, and Faculty) for the fall 2024 semester. A combined event provides an opportunity for a full campus celebration. I will inform and seek input from the councils where needed as we continue our efforts.
- Talent Campaign: A reminder that IHR’s Marketing & Communications team is partnering with Strategic Communications & Marketing on a significant recruitment advertising campaign this spring. The campaign will be the first of its kind and is being designed to allow us to have metrics and tracking for evaluating effectiveness both in general and by specific location. The plan is to focus on markets in St. Louis, Cedar Rapids, Chicago, and Indy areas. This will be more than 5 million hits and include billboards and other digital roadside, office buildings, theaters, bars, college campuses and metros.
- CAP Grievance Process: LER staff are working on revised grievance procedures for CAP and still shooting for a spring completion. As a reminder, CAP expressed interest in seeing this process managed by LER vs. having CAP membership conduct investigations and proceedings. The parties are working to propose an AP process administered by LER that mirrors the CS process.
- All Staff Expo/Employee Appreciation: The Expo returned in the fall of 2023 after a long hiatus caused by the pandemic with enthusiasm and success. The planning committee met earlier this spring to discuss the strategic vision for the event to ensure it is well connected to the overall IVP. IHR staff have proposed that the Expo occur every other year to ensure that it remains fresh and unique in the eyes of our community. In addition, IHR has proposed an Employee Appreciation event that will occur in the off years to recognize the hard work, dedication, and achievements of our staff. We would plan to engage CAP and SAC as work begins to design and plan such an appreciation event. Through this event, we aim to foster a positive workplace culture and recognition of our workforce.
- Chancellor’s visit: The Chancellor has accepted CAP’s invitation to meet with them at their June regular meeting. CAP has an established protocol for soliciting questions in advance of the meeting that they will follow. We hope that all CAP members will plan to attend this event and we know that the Chancellor looks forward to it. Given the incredibly busy schedules of our leaders, IHR would also like to propose that CAP and SAC consider joint invitations and meetings with the President, Chancellor, and Provost each year. Often, these visits are held virtually which accommodates a larger audience. In addition, providing an audience for all Illinois staff with university leadership is consistent with IHR’s values of inclusion. We’d ask that CAP consider inviting SAC to the Chancellor’s visit in June.
8. Academic Senator and Senate Committee Reports, Resolution on funding impact of CBA’s from Rae Fletcher
9. Staff Advisory Council Report, Dale Billam, SAC Representative
10. CAP Committee Reports
- Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award (CSEA): Chaya Sandler
- IHR Strategic Initiatives – Training and Employee Development Advisory (TEDAC) Committee – Amy Dillard
- Procedures and By Laws Committee: Rich Gegg
- Public Safety Advisory Committee: Will Schlaack
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC): Lisa Merrifield, Beth Meschewski, Patrick Gavin, Lisa Goodpaster.- June meeting will be in person at UI System President’s House
11. New Business, Chancellor will attend the June meeting
12. Closed Session– We did not have a closed session
14. Adjourn
Submitted: P. Gavin