Meeting Info
Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
- Call to Order (1:15 pm) Eric Kurt on behalf of Lisa Merrifield)
- Chair’s Remarks (Eric Kurt on behalf of Lisa Merrifield)
- Elections are coming up, there will be a one-week self nomination period, followed by elections if necessary. Please share the opportunity with your colleagues.
- Public Comment – None
- Review and Approval of Minutes – February 2023 Approved
- Discussion Topic
- CAP Grievance Process Revision Summary: Due to a variety of factors including increased need, and inconsistency with UIUC classifications and other AP grievance processes at IUS and IUC, CAP has proposed a revision to the CAP formal grievance process. A document compiled by CAP President Lisa Merrifield summarized the current state of the CAP Grievance process as well as proposed revisions, in order of preferred outcome.
- Proposal #1 Keeps CAP Grievance Officers oversight of the informal inquiry but offloads the formal AP Grievance investigation to IHR.
- Proposal #2 Keeps formal grievance investigation process with the CAP Grievance Officers but stipulates a number of changes including increased terms of service, binding resolutions and stipends.
- Proposal #3 removes CAP from the AP formal grievance investigation entirely.
- This document was submitted to IHR with a deadline of August 2024. CAP President, current and former CAP grievant officers conducted a meeting with IHR representatives and agreed upon
- Proposed Alternative #1. IHR is working on initial draft of language with conversations ongoing.
6. Human Resources Report: Brain Farber, Chief of Staff & Special Projects, IHR Administration
- AP Development Fund
- QU 1 July/August/September
- Amount awarded: $9,213.00
- 19 recipients
- QU 2 October/November/December
- Amount awarded: $13,921.00
- 28 recipients
- QU3 January/February/March( to date)
- Amount awarded: $10,993.00
- 28applications
- 26 recipients
- 2 not eligible
- Fiscal Year to Date
- Amount awarded: $35,127 to 49 AP’s.
- SAC has proposed being included in development fund that will be something that Shari Mickey-Boggs will discuss with the Chancellor. I will keep the council informed of developments.
- Matrix Team Design- IHR has officially announced our Matrix Teams to the campus community. By organizing campus units in smaller communities and assigning them to a matrix team of specific HIR professionals, our staff will deepen relationship with campus customers, provide end to end oversight and coordination of the hiring process, dramatically reducing cycle time and delivering better outcomes.
- QU 1 July/August/September
- You can find the entire model and the staff members assigned to each team here.
- As I previewed last month, IHR has launched new social media channels, creating vibrant online spaces where our community can connect and stay updated on the latest in professional development, career opportunities, and well-being. Stay tuned for a digital experience that reflects our commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive community.
- AP Development Fund
- Also, I mentioned last month that IHR is working with a vendor on a revamped and user-friendly website redesign. For those who have been through a web design project before, you know the massive undertaking it can be to create the new content and develop a cohesive design. We plan to launch the new site later this spring.
- Thank you to all who participated in the Conversation Café’s on the Illinois Value Proposition. We completed our final session last month and now the hard work begins for analyzing the result to see what we have learned. This exercise will help us in solidifying the unique value Illinois offers to our employees and candidates that makes them choose us. We will work to report those results back out to the councils in the months ahead.
- IHR has been in fruitful discussions with staff in Special Events regarding recognition events for employees for their years of service at the University. Initial conversations have been exploring opportunities for a combined event (CS staff, AP Staff, and Faculty) for as early as the fall semester. SAC had proposed to IHR that the event for CS staff return. A combined event provides an opportunity for a full campus celebration. I will inform and seek input from the councils where needed as we continue our efforts.
- SAC met with IHR’s ELOE team last month to discuss the training they offer to Illinois supervisors. ELOE is the Employee Learning & Organizational Effectiveness functional area of IHR. Among the training opportunities ELOE highlighted were the Illinois Supervisory Skills Program and the HR Series for Supervisors.
- The Illinois Supervisory Skills Program provides critical skills for developing self-awareness of management styles and personal biases, practicing strategies for resolving conflict, and building confidence in leading others through performance feedback and coaching techniques.
- The HR Series for Supervisors is a multi-topic series focused on the basic information required to understand human resources policies and guiding principles considered vital to successful supervision and management. In FY22, ELOE offered 27 seminars to 1,233 participants with 42 certificates earned.
- SAC was interested in exploring required training for all Illinois supervisors. IHR has reached out to the University of Iowa who implemented required training to explore their methods, process, and outcomes. Such a requirement would be a significant undertaking.
- Please consider exploring the many training opportunities available from ELOE to sharpen and broaden your skills.
- IHR’s Marketing & Communications team is partnering with Strategic Communications & Marketing on a significant recruitment advertising campaign this spring. The campaign will hit markets in St. Louis, Cedar Rapids, Chicago, and Indy areas. This will be more than 5 million hits and include billboards and other digital roadside, office buildings, theaters, bars, college campuses and metros. We are working hard to attract top talent.
- IHR staff met with leaders of CAP to discuss their proposal to revise the AP grievance process. CAP expressed interest in seeing this process managed by LER vs. having CAP membership conduct investigations and proceedings. The parties are working to propose an AP process administered by LER that mirrors the CS process.
8. Academic Senator and Senate Committee Reports
9. Staff Advisory Council Report, Dale Billam, SAC Representative
10. CAP Committee Reports
- Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award (CSEA): Chaya Sandler
- IHR Strategic Initiatives – Training and Employee Development Advisory (TEDAC) Committee – Amy Dillard
- Procedures and By Laws Committee: Rich Gegg
- Public Safety Advisory Committee: Will Schlaack
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC): Lisa Merrifield, Beth Meschewski, Patrick Gavin, Lisa Goodpaster.
11. New Business
12. Closed Session– We did not have a closed session
14. Adjourn
Submitted: P. Gavin