
Council of Academic Professionals (CAP) Bylaws

Download CAP Bylaws – Approved July 2017 (PDF)


The Council of Academic Professionals of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (hereinafter called the Council) is an elected body constituted to provide a representative voice for academic professionals to the leadership of the University including its academic and administrative units on matters of interest to the academic professional staff. The Council reviews and makes recommendations on policies that promote the overall benefit of the University. The Council reviews and investigates grievances filed by academic professionals.

In performing its functions, the Council, upon the request of the Chancellor, the President, any member of the academic professional staff, or upon its own initiative, shall undertake investigations and hold consultations as it may deem to be in the best interest of the University. The Council, including each of its members, is responsible for seeking guidance from and providing guidance to any member of the academic professional staff, whether currently employed or retired.

Article I: General Provisions

Section 1. The Electorates. The academic professional staff whose appointments as academic professionals require at least fifty percent of full-time shall elect the Council. The academic professional staff, as defined in the University of Illinois Statutes, Article II, Section 5, consists of those employees whose positions have been designated by the President and Chancellor as meeting specialized administrative, professional, or technical needs. Members of the University Administration academic professional staff whose principal offices are on the Urbana-Champaign campus shall also be members of the electorate. Any person with an active tenure-system record, even if currently on a 0% faculty appointment, is excluded from the electorate. Any person with an appointment greater than 0% on an “other academic” line is excluded from the electorate. Unless otherwise specified, the President, Vice-Presidents, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellors, and those individuals who report directly to the President, Vice-Presidents, the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellors, or equivalent shall not be members of the electorate. The Chancellor (or the President in the case of University Administration academic professional staff) may, after consultation with the Council, identify additional senior administrative officers to be excluded from the electorate.

Section 2. Composition of the Council. The Council shall consist of two members per district, defined and elected as provided in Article III, below.  The Chancellor’s office shall designate a liaison as an ex officio member who will not have a vote.

Section 3. Officers. At the regular June meeting, members will elect from their ranks a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Grievance officer, an assistant Grievance officer, and a Communications officer. Term of office shall be yearly from June 1 through May 31.

Section 4. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Council officers, plus one additional Council member to be elected as an at-large member at the regular June meeting. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary shall also serve, respectively, as the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet on an as needed basis and whenever the Chair or two members thereof shall find it necessary for the transaction of any business, which is urgent and cannot be postponed to a regular meeting of the Council. The Executive Committee shall possess all the powers of the parent body when in session, except that it shall not overrule, revise, or change previous acts of the Council, or take from subcommittees any business referred to them by the Council. The Executive Committee shall make a record in writing of all its actions and submit it to the Council at its next regular meeting for incorporation into the minutes thereof. The Executive Committee or designee drafts the agenda of the Council’s monthly meetings.

Section 5. Committees. The Council may appoint standing or ad hoc committees and subcommittees. These committees may include members of the University community who are not members of the Council.

Section 6. University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC) Representatives. The Council Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and the at-large member of the Executive Committee shall represent the Council on UPPAC. One Council member elected by the Council at the regular June meeting shall serve as alternate.

Section 7. Council Procedures. Twelve members, one of whom must be the Chair or Vice-Chair, shall constitute a quorum. Approval by a majority of those members present and voting shall be required for adoption of any authorized action.

A minority opinion may be filed to accompany any recommendation by the majority.

As an elected member, the Chair shall have a vote on all questions.

If the Chair is unable to attend a meeting, the Vice-Chair shall act as Chair.

A member of the Council should consider abstaining from voting on any matter which may risk the appearance of a conflict of interest or impropriety. Members of the Council represent their district members, not their personal interests.

Section 8. Meetings. General meetings shall be held monthly and shall be open to the public, with the exception of executive sessions to discuss grievances and other sensitive issues. The Chair may call special meetings upon consultation with the Council and/or Executive Committee. If a Council member misses two consecutive regular monthly meetings without notifying the Chair or Secretary of an absence for both instances, the Council member is presumed to have resigned from the Council, effective on the date of notification by the Chair.

Section 9. Reports. The Executive Committee shall prepare a written report annually and at such other times, as it may deem appropriate. Copies of such reports shall be distributed to the Chancellor, the President and the academic professional staff.

Section 10. Procedures. The current edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order shall be the guiding authority for parliamentary procedures for the Council.

Article II: Records and Files

Section 1. The Secretary of the Council shall be responsible for the maintenance of the official minutes, records, and files of the Council for the current year. Records of the Council shall be permanently maintained in the Office of the Chancellor by the Chancellor’s liaison to the Council.

Section 2. Official minutes shall be published electronically within 10 business days after approval to the Council website. Other files and records may be requested but require an authorization of the Council.

Article III: Council Member Election Procedures

Section 1. Any member of the electorate, as defined in Article I, Section 1, above, is entitled to vote by secret ballot in elections for Council members.

Section 2. Election shall be by district, with each district being represented by two persons elected by the members of that district. A maximum of eleven districts shall be defined, and periodically reviewed for equitable representation, by the Council. No two district Council members shall be from the same University unit as defined by district college department code numbers, with the exception of District 6, University of Illinois Extension and District 11, Prairie Research Institute.

Section 3. Members of the Council shall be elected for staggered three-year terms.

Section 4. Elections shall be held the first full week in April. Elections shall be conducted in a manner established by the Council and approved by the Chancellor, and managed by the Office of the Provost. Newly-elected members of the Council are encouraged to attend the May meeting as observers and begin their terms with the June meeting. Prior to the June meeting, members of the Executive Committee will assure that newly elected members have received an orientation to topics currently being addressed by the Council.

Section 5. In the event that a Council member changes district, moves to a unit already represented on the Council, or is no longer employed as an academic professional, the member’s position shall be declared vacant.

Section 6. In the event of a vacancy on the Council through resignation or other cause, the Council appoints a replacement through May. If additional years remain on the term beyond the current year, an election to replace the member for the remainder of the term shall be held during the normal election period. In the event that two vacancies occur within the same district in the same timeframe, the council member candidate that receives the highest number of votes is appointed for the longer of the two terms. If a tie occurs between the two candidates, then the Council shall use a coin toss at the next monthly meeting to determine which of the two will get appointed to serve the longer term.

Section 7. The Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus shall approve all appointed Council members.

Article IV: Academic Professional Senator Election Procedures

Section 1. The electorate that participates in the Academic Professional Senator Elections is determined by the Deans and/or Unit Executive Officers of the units that belong to the Council districts that elect Senators as authorized by the Academic Senate.

Section 2. Any member of the electorate, as defined in Section 1, above, is entitled to vote by secret ballot in elections for academic professional members of the Academic Senate of the Urbana campus.

Section 3. Election shall be by district, with each district being represented by one person elected by the electorate of that district.

Section 4. Those elected to the Academic Senate shall be elected for staggered two-year terms. Council members shall have the right to run for and hold a Senate seat if duly elected by members of their district.

Section 5. Elections shall be held in the first full week in March. They shall be conducted in a manner established by the Council, approved by the Chancellor and the Senate Committee of University Statutes and Senate Procedures, and managed by the Office of the Provost.

Section 6. Academic professional Senators will be invited to attend Council meetings and shall keep the Council informed on topics of interest to academic professionals.

Section 7. In the event that an academic professional elected to the Academic Senate changes districts or is no longer employed as an academic professional, the member’s position shall be declared vacant.

Section 8. In the event of a vacancy on the Senate through resignation or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by special election for the remainder of the vacant term in accordance with established Senate procedures.

Section 9. If there is a conflict between the Council Bylaws and the Constitution, Bylaws and Election Rules of the Academic Senate as they relate to determining the electorate and electing Academic Professionals to the Senate, the rules of the Academic Senate shall prevail.

Article V: Officer and Committee Duties

Section 1. Chair

  1. The Chair shall preside at regular and special meetings of Council.
  2. The Chair solicits items from Council Members to supplement the agenda drafted by the Executive Committee and shares it prior to the monthly meeting with Members and Stakeholders.
  3. The Chair or Chair’s designee shall serve as the Council representative to the Senate Executive Committee.
  4. The Chair shall serve as one of the Council representative to UPPAC.
  5. The Chair shall have the authority to appoint committees subject to Council approval.
  6. The Chair shall provide a written yearly report to the Chancellor of the Council’s activities.
  7. The Chair shall arrange annual meetings with the Chancellor, the Provost, and the University of Illinois System President as well as invite other special guests to address the Council on pertinent topics.
  8. A member who has served as Chair for two complete successive terms will not be eligible for reelection as Chair until at least one full term has elapsed.

Section 2. Vice-Chair

  1. The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of any incapacity, resignation or removal from office of the Chair.
  2. The Vice-Chair shall act as Chair in the event of absence or incapacity of the Chair.
  3. The Vice-Chair shall serve as the Chair of the Council Procedures & Elections committee.
  4. The Vice-Chair shall serve as one of the Council representatives to UPPAC.
  5. There is no limit on the number of terms the Vice-Chair may serve.

Section 3. Secretary

  1. The Secretary shall be the official record keeper of the Council’s minutes and attendance following guidelines established in Article II above.
  2. The Secretary shall serve as one of the Council representatives to UPPAC.
  3. There is no limit on the number of terms the Secretary may serve.

Section 4. Grievance Officer

  1. The Grievance Officer is responsible for implementing the guidelines related to Academic Professional grievances heard by the Council. Procedures shall be approved by the Council and Chancellor.
  2. The Grievance Officer shall attend training with Academic Human Resources on grievance procedures. The Grievance Officer shall arrange training for the Council as needed.
  3. The Grievance Officer shall be the primary contact person on the Council once a grievance been filed. The Grievance Officer shall with the Council’s approval secure a Grievance Committee to handle the grievance.
  4. The Grievance Officer shall maintain all files pertinent to on-going grievances and the final report for past grievances. This material shall be held confidential to the extent required and allowed by law.
  5. There is no limit on the number of terms the Grievance Officer may serve.

Section 5. Assistant Grievance Officer

  1. The Assistant Grievance Officer shall act as the Grievance Officer in the event of absence or disability of the Grievance Officer.
  2. The Assistant Grievance Officer shall attend training with Academic Human Resources on grievance procedures.
  3. The Assistant Grievance Officer shall act as the Grievance Officer in the event of the Grievance Officer’s conflict of interest with a case presented to the Council.
  4. There is no limit on the number of terms the Assistant Grievance Officer may serve.

Section 6. Communications Officer

  1. The Communications Officer is responsible for publication of the Council newsletter and other regular mass communications.
  2. The Communications Officer is responsible for maintaining current content on the Council Web site.
    1. The Communications Officer will solicit regular updates from Council members and ensure these items are posted.
    2. The Communications Officer will ensure that current agendas, minutes, and other timely information approved for distribution are posted to the Council Web site.
  3. The Communications Officer is responsible for responding to and/or routing appropriately any messages received from the Council Web site.
  4. The Communications Officer shall serve as the Chair of the Communications Committee.
  5. There is no limit on the number of terms the Communications Officer may serve.

Section 7.  Communications Committee

  1. A minimum of two members shall be appointed to the Communications Committee. Members of the Communications Committee are appointed on an annual basis with no limit on the number of years served.
  2. Members of the Communications Committee shall assist the Communications Officer in the execution of their duties.
  3. The Communications Officer shall serve as the Chair of the Communications Committee.

Section 8.  Procedures and Elections Committee

  1. A minimum of five members shall be appointed to the Procedures and Elections Committee. The Procedures and Elections Committee members are appointed on an annual basis with no limit on the number of years they may serve. The Academic Professional that serves on the University Statutes and Senate Procedures Committee of the Academic Senate and the Council Communications Officer shall serve as ex officio members of the committee.
  2. The Procedures and Elections Committee members shall elect a Vice-Chair of the Procedures and Procedures and Elections Committee
  3. The Vice-Chair of the Council shall serve as the Chair of the Procedures and Elections Committee.
  4. The Procedures and Elections Committee Chair shall oversee the Academic Professional Elections to the Academic Senate and the committee’s Vice-Chair shall oversee the Council Member Elections. Both the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Procedures and Elections Committee will participate in meetings with the Office of the Provost to plan elections.
  5. The Procedures and Elections Committee shall supervise and conduct all nominations and elections of Council representatives and academic professional senators, including:
    1. ruling on questions of eligibility,
    2. generally ensuring that nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with rules and procedures,
    3. certify election results.
  6. The Procedures and Elections Committee shall supervise and conduct all appointment proceedings for replacement Council members.
  7. The Procedures and Elections Committee shall appoint the officer nominating committee in the May meeting, which shall develop the slate of officers, and provide its report to the at the June meeting.
  8. The Procedures and Elections Committee shall track the terms for Council members, academic representatives to UIUCAcademic Senate committees, academic professional senators and other terms as appropriate.

Article VI: Grievance Procedures

Section 1. The Council shall have the authority to accept, investigate and respond to grievances filed by academic professionals. The Council shall make recommendations to the Chancellor on the grievances accepted.

Section 2. The Council shall establish guidelines and procedures approved by the Chancellor for handling grievances. Guidelines shall be available to academic professionals.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be formally presented to the Council at a regularly scheduled meeting at least thirty calendar days in advance of the meeting at which final action on such amendments is to be taken.

Section 2. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Council and approval of the Chancellor.

Approval History

  • Approved by Chancellor Thomas E. Everhart March 22, 1985
  • Approved by Professional Advisory Committee April 18, 1985
  • Amendments approved by Chancellor Morton W. Weir October 29, 1991
  • Amendments approved by Professional Advisory Committee November 7, 1991
  • Amendments approved by Chancellor Michael Aiken September 8, 1993
  • Amendments approved by Professional Advisory Committee September 2, 1993
  • Amendment approved by Chancellor Michael Aiken May 5, 1995
  • Amendment approved by Professional Advisory Committee January 26, 1995
  • Amendment approved by Chancellor Michael Aiken February 12, 1996
  • Amendment approved by Professional Advisory Committee December 7, 1995
  • UIUC PAC Articles of Procedure March 12, 1996
  • UIUC Council Bylaws, to take effect June 1, 2002, as approved by Chancellor Cantor.
  • UIUC Council Bylaws, to take effect January 1, 2009, as approved by Chancellor Herman.
  • UIUC Council Bylaws, to take effect January 1, 2013, as approved by Chancellor Wise.
  • Amendments approved by Chancellor Robert Jones July 19, 2017

The Council of Academic Professionals (CAP) is an elected assembly serving the interests of full-time, part-time, and retired academic professionals at Illinois. We provide direct and concerted communication between academic professional staff and administrative officers of the University. We are the voice of Academic Professionals (APs).