Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, April 5, 2018, Alice Campbell Alumni Center
Meeting Minutes submitted by Jenny Ehrnthaller, Secretary
Attendees: Richard Gegg (1), Kristina Miller (1), Jenny Ehrnthaller (2), Judy Van Cleeff (4), Rick Atterberry (5), Mindy Spencer (5), Betoel Escobar (7), Brian Brauer (8), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Nancy Walsh (10), Jeff Stein (11), Elyne Cole (Ex Officio)
Excused Absences: Amy Hovious (2), Maggie Jarvis (3), Leslie Vermillion (3), Andrew Reynolds (4), Carl Baker (6), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Tanisha King-Tayler (7), Chantelle Thompson (8), Becky Ferrell (9), Beth Hall (11)
- Call to Order – Chair Jeff Stein called the meeting order at 1:20 p.m.
- Public Comment – none.
- Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Approved as submitted by consensus.
- Chair’s Remarks (Jeff Stein) – CAP August meeting will be changed to the first Thursday of the month on the 2nd. Provost Cangellaris is set to be the guest speaker next month (May meeting). Reminder the June meeting is changed to May 31st with guest speaker, Nancy “Rusty” Barcelo, Visiting Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Diversity. Jeff is working to get the president to speak at one of the meetings in the fall, if not, may need to wait until next March.
- District realignment – proposal is complete and approved, ask communications committee to make sure this is updated on the web site.
- George and Nancy – thank them for serving on the committee to review nominations for the Academic Professional Development Fund
- Comment that this should be announced to the general AP population
- Announcements –
- Chancellor’s critical conversations are coming up:
- Native American Imagery – April 10th from 3-5 p.m. SDRP Multipurpose Room
- Pre-registration is required (although currently full, but there is a waiting list), not town-hall format – roundtable group discussions will take place
- Free Speech – April 17th from 12-1 p.m. Colwell Playhouse at Krannert
- Native American Imagery – April 10th from 3-5 p.m. SDRP Multipurpose Room
- CAPE Awards today
- Chancellor’s critical conversations are coming up:
- Committee Reports:
- CAPE Awards Committee (Kristina Miller)
- Provost Cangellaris will DJ the award ceremony in the event that the Chancellor cannot attend, appreciate Kristina’s hard work on this committee
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC; Jeff Stein)
- Annual Meeting at the president’s house on June 7th, UPPAC is populated by the executive committee – both outgoing and incoming executives are invited (as officer elections are during the June meeting)
- UPPAC members are asked to suggest agenda items – question on the agenda was asked. Jeff will solicit agenda items to the CAP committee.
- Academic Professional Senators
- 3 senate meetings since the last meeting,
- Regular meeting of the Academic Senate – discussed GEO strike, reported on Chief Illiniwek, budget reform, and sexual harassment (senate website has this information), ethical conduct of research and scholarship – valuable document to guide research practices on this campus
- April 2nd senate meeting – expand representation of AP senators from 7-10 seats. No questions or debate. Next meeting will be a second reading and vote.
- Jeff will draft a statement of support and will be there to answer any questions if there were to be any during the discussion. The meeting is April 30th at the Union and starts at 3:10, and Jeff encourages all CAP AP representatives to attend in support, if possible.
- Senate, Campus, and University Committees
- Faculty Staff Assistance Services Advisory Committee (Elizabeth) – doing excellent with limited staff currently while dealing with much higher volume of services, also serving research park (700+ people, many that do not have insurance), also trying to ramp up what they are providing to extension.
- Procedures and Elections (Rebecca Ferrell)
- Report via email – AP senator elections are concluded – 4 new AP senators will be seated (Districts 2, 6, 8, 9) and have been asked to come to the May 31st meeting.
- CAP Representatives, seats available in districts 1 and 7, (2, 8, and 10 – only had one nomination, so will be elected accordintly), they have been contacted and accepted to AHR. 1 self-nomination for districts 4 and 6. No self-nominations from district 11.
- 3 senate meetings since the last meeting,
- Annual Meeting at the president’s house on June 7th, UPPAC is populated by the executive committee – both outgoing and incoming executives are invited (as officer elections are during the June meeting)
- CAPE Awards Committee (Kristina Miller)
- Officer elections – reviewed bylaws, officers will be nominated at the May 31st meeting to be elected by the new CAP members who will be present at the meeting. There is a nominating committee to be formed, so if members are interested in serving on this committee, let Jeff know (3-person committee).
- Communications Committee (Amy Hovious)
- After the redistricting plan was approved, updates lists in webtools, through AHR, and updated the website. Emails have been sent out about CAP self-nomination reminders. Working on an announcement to all APs to alert them that there have been changes in the districts.
- Grievance (Tanisha King-Taylor)
- no closed session and no report
- Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Representation (Jeff Stein)
- Made comments in remarks earlier.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Gender-based Harassment (Mindy Spencer)
- Invite Rusty to CAP meeting (completed and confirmed for May 31st)
- Created an initial list of recommendations, but need to get more metrics from ODEA
- This list should be sent out via email either sometime this week or next
- Trying to discover if there are grievance models within colleges for APs to report these types of issues – soliciting this information from district reps
- Board of Trustees Report
- Tier 3 retirement plan update – indefinite hold, and not moving forward (SURS legislatures have put this on hold).
- BOT shifting costs from existing retirement tiers, as it stands the state covers a large part of employer contributes (for state funded positions) and about 25% of these costs will shift from the state to the university
- Ed Seidel – Executive Director of Research park – nice presentation on this
- Fundraising goals for CI COM are underperforming at this moment
- Public comment which comments on harassment and bullying and Native American Imagery where shared.
- AHR Report (Elyne Cole):
- Academic Professional Development Fund
- Complexities of transfer of funds, Vicky Gress in the Provost Office has been working to figure out how to minimize these issues and have come up with an application that might help in the process to make it smoother, and while doing this, the entire process (from the start of the application) will be reviewed to become automated and more efficient
- Budget – nothing new to report
- Civils Service System and exempted positions
- Civil Service System has finalized procedures which will be in place during the next pay period, which were similar as to what was decided in February, and to be implemented in October of this year
- There will be no standardized titles
- Senior level administrator standard is now over an entire department, unit, etc. in order to exempt a position – senior management/administrative – the ability to make judgements and decisions on behalf of the unit (but this is still determined by the Civil Service System)
- Who has the authority to make the decision of an exempted position? The campus will still be able to make this decision, but if the Civil Service System disagrees with this argument from campus and determines that this position should be Civil Service position, the decision stands and the position will be converted.
- Campus can appeal, but this decision goes to the Merit Board, which also has the final say (and controlled by the Civil Service System)
- Specialists, Coordinators, Assistant Directors, etc. may not hold to this new standard. Academic Advisors, Residence Hall Directors, Admissions, Academic Recruiters, Advancement/Development Officers
- UIUC is first on the list to be audited in October, any new positions if not at these new standards could easily be deemed to convert back to Civil Service positions (16 months to do the conversion)
- It is not campus intent to convert current positions back to Civil Service positions, now with the new standards
- Civil Service System has finalized procedures which will be in place during the next pay period, which were similar as to what was decided in February, and to be implemented in October of this year
- Academic Professional Development Fund
- Unfinished Business
- Academic Professional Leadership Program – announcements coming soon for applications to this
- New Business
- HealthLink/CMS Discussion (Rick Atterberry)
- Capturing stories with issues, no luck with communicating with CMS (in an attempt to get OSF and HealthLink together to fix), if CAP members have additional stories or information, please connect with Rick.
- HealthLink/CMS Discussion (Rick Atterberry)
- Closed Session (called if required) –
- Adjourned – 3:56 p.m.