Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, July 6, 2017, Illini Union 314A
Meeting Minutes submitted by Beth Hall
Attendees: Kristina Miller (1), Richard Gegg (1), Amy Hovious (2), Maggie Jarvis (3), Rick Atterberry (5), Carol Baker (6), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Tanisha King-Taylor (7), Betoel Escobar (7), Nicole Delmastro-Jeffery (8), Brian Brauer (8), Richard Stokes (9), Nancy Walsh (10), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Jeff Stein (11), Beth Hall (11), Elyne Cole (ex-officio)
- Call to Order– 1:15 PM, by Jeff Stein
- Public Comment– 2 visitors; no questions
- Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes— Correction: Met in 314A; not Illinois Ballroom; Minutes were passed by consensus
- Chair’s Remarks(Jeff Stein) — No movement in Springfield on the budget; should be voted later today; strike-through version of CAP bylaws submitted to Elyne Cole along with draft of annual report; lining up guest speakers for this next year (e.g., Chancellor, President, Interim Provost)
- Announcements– Congratulations! Andrew Reynold’s (District 4) had a baby!
- Committee Reports:
- CAPE Awards Committee(Kristina Miller) – Have a vice-chair (Jennifer Erhnthaller (2)); will have call for volunteers for the search committee; Change in award structure: (1) Provost and Chancellor examined and modified award programs; reduction in funding level for CAPE award; without a budget, that reduction would stand, (2) From $2000 to $1000, (3) Number of awards would remain at 6, (4) No recurring salary increase, (5) Departments of winners in the past would also receive $1000; would not happen this year; All award programs have been reduced; First call for volunteers going out soon; need 2-3 volunteers from each district. All APs are eligible to volunteer; email CAPE address if interested; a mass email will go out soon
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (UPPAC; Jeff Stein)– Annual Meeting was last week at President’s House; Discussed APs who find themselves in faculty-like roles: How common is this? How does this impact their advancement, identity, etc.? General sharing of information; Katy Ross (Benefits) provided update similar to what she presented at May 2017 CAP meeting (e.g., delays in payments); Conversation about how UPPAC rotates its chairmanship (e.g., How much minimal experience is necessary?) – no formal action was necessary, does not have to be one of the CAP chairs at the hosting/rotating university; President’s report reflected strong hope that there would be a budget deal; Budget contingency plan: (Version 1) Anticipating a 10% cut to University budget as well as significant shift in cost to university for benefits and pensions, (Version 2) Anticipate a 10% cut, but the reductions or cost shifts for benefits and pensions would not be severe, (Version 3_ Anticipate a 5% cut with no cost shifts, (Prediction) 10% cut (off the 2015 baseline) with no cost shift; would cover FY18 and the remaining balance of the FY17 with the cuts; President expressed concern if no budget 3 years in a row – yield impacts (number of offers to students compared to number of who acceptance). Yield reflection of university reputation and risk from potential incoming students. Third year w/o budget could show strong impact on the yield; could take years to decade to recover; President has plans for intensive faculty recruitment; There will be procurement relief for the research enterprise; (Rick Atterberry) AP employment trends over past 15 years are difficult to interpret … Q: What is the question that was trying to answer? Perhaps Elyne’s office could provide some guidance. What is the employment trend and possible causes? Propose to continue this conversation at the next UPPAC meeting
- AP Senators– Senate hasn’t met since May; No report; Training for new senators and Senate committee members will occur outside of this meeting (mid-August)
- Senate, Campus, and University Committees– No report
- Procedures and Elections(Brian Brauer) – Two self-noms for Dist 5 vacancy – Mindy Spencer was elected; Becky and Bryan will contact both applicants with results
- Communications(Richard Stokes) – Working to make sure transition to new team is smooth; Continue to meet regularly and keep website, emails fresh and regular
- Grievance(Tanisha King-Taylor) – Previous grievance is under advisement by university counsel until further discussion; no new grievances
- Ad Hoc Committee on Senate Representation(Jeff Stein) – Meeting is scheduled for next week
- AHR Report(Elyne Cole):
- No budget update .. we’re all waiting
- Interest from Chancellor to meet with CAP more often than once a year; Need to make a formal request to him early; Proposal for the September 2017 CAP meeting – Jeff Stein will reach out
- Any activity with the Provost?Intent to do a search in place for Fall 2017 with hope for new provost by spring; Does CAP have interest in meeting with current, interim provost (John Wilken)? Yes. Jeff Stein will reach out
- Wellness Research Program – one time event from last year. Have additional funds to run part of that again this year. Participants from last year will be invited to participate again this year.Do people offer to participate in wellness activities when there are incentives provided? Will be studied; HR is very interested in having a wellness program and have been exploring the interest level
- Q (Elizabeth Rockman): Any news about the health care benefit issues?Elyne: Our personal healthcare is attached to what is happening with CMS and they are under a lawsuit that seems to be moving slowly. From the retirement organization, there’s conversation about retirement for Tier 1’s and retirement bill that may affect Tier 1 people in addition to Tier 1 people currently working. These have stalled. Pension is separate from health care.
- Unfinished Business– None
- New Business– None
- New Member Orientation and Grievance Training
- Adjourned– training continued for new members after 3pm; all others were excused