June 2017 Minutes

Council of Academic Professionals

Thursday, June 1, 2017, Illini Union Ballroom

Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman


Attendees:  Kristina Miller (1), Jenny Ehrnthaller (2), Amy Hovious (2), Maggie Jarvis (3), Jessica Beaudoin (4), Andrew Reynolds (4), Rick Atterberry (5), Carl Baker (6), Teresa Steckler (6), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tanisha King-Taylor (7), Brian Brauer (8), Rebecca Ferrell (9), Richard Stokes (9), Nancy Walsh (10), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Beth Hall (11), Jeff Stein (11), Deb Stone (ex-officio)


  1. Call to Order – Chair Jeff Stein called the (recorded) meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.


  1. Public comments – None.


  1. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Minutes were passed by consensus.


  1. Chair’s Comments – Jeff Stein noted that the annual report had been drafted, and asked for edits. Andrew Reynolds said that Chantelle Thompson and Jessica Beaudoin also helped with the Communications Committee.  Kristina Miller suggested that the Academic Professional Development Fund be referenced.  Amy Hovious pointed out that the All-Employee Expo should be added, and Deb Stone also asked that UPPAC be added.  Bylaws changes were not forwarded to the Office of the Chancellor for sign-off, so will be sent so voted-upon changes may be reflected.


  1. New CAP Representatives – Jeff thanked outgoing CAP members Tracy Parish, Shauna Naidu, Teresa Steckler, and Ravi Ramrattan, and welcomed Maggie Jarvis (3), Carl Baker (6), Brian Brauer (8), and Nancy Walsh (10). CAP new member orientation and grievance training will be July and/or August, depending on other time constraints.


  1. CAP Officers Election – Slate for Officers was motioned by Elizabeth Wahle and seconded by Kristina Miller:

Chair                                         Jeffrey Stein

Vice Chair                                  Rebecca Ferrell

Secretary                                    Jenny Erhnthaller

Grievance                                   Tanisha King-Taylor

Assistant Grievance Officer            Chantelle Thompson

Communications                         Richard Stokes

At-Large                        Rick Atterberry

            Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and At-Large serve on UPPAC.


CAP Committees are:

Communications:  Richard Stokes, Chair, Amy Hovious, Beth Hall, Andrew Reynolds, Jessica Beaudoin, and Chantelle Thompson

Procedures and Elections:  Rebecca Ferrell, Chair, Brian Brauer

CAPE Awards is Kristina Miller, Chair, and Vice Chair needed

            More names may be added later.


AP Senate Committees that have vacancies and for which nominations will be sought are Admissions, Campus Operations, Faculty and Academic Staff Benefits, General University Policy, and Public Engagement and Institutional Advancement.


  1. Announcements – UPPAC will meet at the President’s House; incoming CAP Exec members will join in with current CAP Exec members who serve on UPPAC, as the UPPAC term doesn’t re-set until August..


  1. Committee Reports:

CAPE Awards Committee – Discussion was held related to past CAPE awardees invitations and the lowering of number of awards and/or amount of the award.

University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee – Meeting is upcoming.

Academic Professional Senators – No report, Senate has not met.

Senate, Campus, and University Committees – There will be a call to Senate Committees, but only the Senate electorate of CAP Districts may nominate for these positions, according to a revision of how these positions are to be filled.  There was extended discussion regarding the limitations of how APs are represented in the Senate (with three districts still not represented).  An ad hoc analysis of both redistricting and representation will be undertaken.  Jeff noted that the SEC will be tasked with performance reviews of Vice Chancellors.

Procedures and Elections Committee – A special election will be held for District 5’s vacancy.

Communications Committee – Web analytics will be used to determine what can be dropped from the website, and organization will make things easier to find.

Grievance Officer – Closed session will be held.


  1. Academic Human Resources Report – Deb Stone noted that the state legislative session closed for third straight year with no budget, and that there is currently no movement with the State and AFSCME negotiations related to benefits. Questions were asked regarding call center services deficits, and retroactive payments on health care charges was addressed; these charges would be limited to $100 extra per paycheck per plan.  There has been no word of furlough language being added back to the Notification of Appointment.


  1. Unfinished Business – None.


  1. New Business – None.


  1. Closed Session – Closed session was held.


  1. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.