Meeting Info
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
- Call to Order (1:15 pm) Lisa Merrifield, Chair
- Chair’s Remarks
- Call to review Chancellor’s Climate Email(see link here)
- CAP priority items
- Make AP academic leave benefits consistent with CS Professionals
- Revise the Grievance Process to make it consistent with the CS Professional process
- Increase representation on Faculty Senate Committees to ensure proportional input on decision-making.
- Guest Speaker: Nicolas Burbules, Professor, Education, Policy, Organizational Leadership, and Member of the Senate Executive Committee.
- Nicholas C. Burbules is the Gutgsell Professor in the Department of Educational Policy, Organization and Leadership at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He has authored or edited sixteen books and two hundred journal articles and book chapters. He is frequently invited to lecture at universities around the world. Nicholas has served for more than 35 years in the University Senate, as a Senator and the Chair of numerous Senate Committees, most notably the Senate Executive Committee ‘SEC’. He has spent countless hours dedicated to the principles of University’s commitment to shared governance. He is currently providing significant input and insight into the potential revisions to the Statutes that Impact Academic Professionals and Governance (as initiated by USC ST-83).
- Presentation download available in Agenda/Minutes section of CAP website
- Public Comment – None
- Review and Approval of Minutes – October 2023
- Motion: William Schlack
- Second: Brian Fulton
- All in favor, zero opposed, no absentia
- Illinois Human Resources Report: Brian Farber, Chief of Staff & Special Projects, IHR administration
- All Employee Expo
- 1,261 participants
- 64 registered vendors
- Thank you CAP for your support in planning, promotion and staffing
- Staffing Updates
- Assistant Chancellor, Culture, Learning & Engagement- Bria Marcelo
- Assistant Chancellor for Strategic Programs & Partnerships- Luanne Mayorga.
- Luanne has both an NBA and Ed.D. Her doctoral degree is in Adult & Higher Education from Northern Illinois. She joins us from McHenry County College and has held a variety of prior roles inside higher education and private industry including Chief Engagement Officer, Director of Outreach, Engagement and Regional Development. Her experience in startups and Entrepreneurship centers will be an asset to this inaugural role.
- Tori Exum-Director of DEI Talent Initiatives
- IHR has done an excellent job of attracting diverse applicants from the local community. We will continue to make this important investment.
- Remember, I introduced Jason Knight last month as a Strategic Talent Recruiter.
- In addition, these hires will help UIUC in attracting a diverse pool from a national market, deepening relationships with historically black colleges, HSIs and national affinity groups to attract professionals and leaders happy in their current roles to our institution.
- Operational Excellence
- Functional Design Team meeting to look for efficiencies and streamlining of the hiring process
- Three action plans.
- Uploading all necessary OQE compliance forms to Cornerstone.
- Improved turnaround for JDX position descriptions- exploring standard descriptions.
- Establish shared KPIs for HR workflows.
- Express workflow for classification.
- Position qualifies if it has been reviewed in the last 12 months.
- IHR classification from 5.6 days to 2.1 days=63% reduction.
- IHR and strategic visibility
- Business Excellence Symposium- 10/19
- Council of Deans Presentation -11/1
- Employee Value Proposition.
- Illinois Value Proposition
- Employee Referral Program
- Video-
- $600 for a current UIUC employee whor efers a non-University employee to a UIUC job.
- Send an email link with the job posting and an application link.
- All positions can be referred, but only certain jobs are eligible for referral payment.
- Hard to fill and high demand vacant positions that have been approved by university leadership.
- All Employee Expo
7. Grievance Update, Eric Kurt, Grievance Chair
- Grievances coming in from students and other non-AP sources. Something to track.
- Formal grievance process here lacks compared to UIC and UIS who have ombudsman and other full-time mediating options.
8. Academic Senator and Committee Reports
- Staff Advisory Council Report
- CAP Committee Reports
- All Employee Expo Committee: Rich Gegg, Lisa Merrifield, Lisa Goodpaster Lahners
- Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award ( CSEA): Chaya Sandler
- IHR Strategic Initiatives-Training and Employee Development Advisory(TEDAC) Committee: Amy Dillard
- Procedures and Bylaws Committee: Rich Gegg
- Public Safety Advisory Committee: Will Schlaack
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee( UPPAC): Lisa Merrifield, Beth Meschewski, Patrick Gavin, Lisa Goodpaster Lahners
9. New Business
10. Closed Session-Closed session for grievance update
11. AdjournP. Gavin-Secretary