Meeting Info
Date: Thursday, August 3, 2023
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Online via zoom
- Call to Order-Chair Lisa Merrifield
- Public Comment-None
- Review and Approval of Minutes – June 2023- APPROVED
- Motion to approve: Brian Fulton
- Second: Eric Kurt
- All move to approve, no dissentions
- Chair’s Remarks
- Open Seats in District 4, 7, and 8
- Thank you to Tina Rolfe for her service and for facilitating the Grievance Committee.
- Thank you to Chaya Sandler for her good work with the CAPE awards.
- We appreciate the service of Rashmi Tenneti.
- Wish you all the best and than you for your service.
- Open Seats in District 4, 7, and 8
- Announcements
- Thank you Todd Sweet for agreeing to stand in as Asst. Chair of Grievances.
- Illinois Human Resources Report: Brian Farber, Chief of Staff & Special Projects, IHR administration
- AP Development Fund Update-FY23-24
- 11 total applicants
- 1 ineligible
- 2 approved at $500
- 8 pending( waiting on 2 committee members to review/approve)
- All Employee Expo-10/12 at SFC
- SAC/CAP/IHR owned event
- CAP volunteers needed( 4-5 members)
- Next meeting on August 8
- New Executive Director of Compensation Strategy
- Bryan Rojek- Bryan brings deep expertise in compensation including global compensation and working with unions, having led this function in several industries, including Pharmaceuticals and Financial.
- Start Date August 14
- Assistant Chancellor searches-AGB
- Asst. Chancellor-Culture, Learning and Engagement-Amy Santos is the Chair
- Committee has selected finalist, in the process of scheduling finalists for interview.
- Assistant Chancellor for Strageic Programs and Partnerships
- Posted
- Best consideration-8/18
- Chaya Sanler agree to serve on the search
- Operational Excellence
- Functional Design Team meeting to look for efficiencies and streamlinging of the hiring process
- Three action plans have commenced
- Uploading all ncessary OAE compliance forms to Cornerstone
- Improved turnaround for JDX position descriptions-exploring standard descriptions.
- Establish shared KPIs for HR workflows
- Functional Reviews
- June CAP-member asked a question
- Staffing shortages at IHR and complications of the pandemic have led to delays
- No timeline for restarting has been established at this time
- All vacancies are carefully evaluated at the time of reposting
- Asst. Chancellor-Culture, Learning and Engagement-Amy Santos is the Chair
- AP Development Fund Update-FY23-24
7. Grievance Update
- No Update; several pre-interviews but none to report at this time
8. Academic Senator Reports-None 9. CAP Senate Committee Reports
- AP Development Fund: Lisa Bievenue, Patrick Gavin, Matt Buchi
- Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award (CSEA): Chaya Sandler
- Communications Committee: Beth Meschewski
- Public Safety Advisory Committee: William Alan Schlaack
- All Employee Expo Committee: Rich Gegg, Lisa Merridfield, Lisa Goodpaster Lahners
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee: Lisa Merrifield, Beth Mescheswski, Patrick Gavin, Lisa Goodpaster Lahners
- Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws: Jayesh Patel, Rich Gegg
- ST 83 and ByLaws Committee: Rich Gegg
- IHR Strategic Initiatives – Training and Employee Development Advisory (TEDAC) Committee OPEN
- Sunset the following committees (reinvigorate as needed)
- Campus Administrative Manual Updates
- Campus HR Staffing Committee
- Communications Committee
- Outreach Committee:
- Officer Nominating Committee
- Procedures and Elections Committee
- Racism and Social Injustice
- Ad Hoc SAC/CAP Common Interest Areas
- Ad Hoc Employee Well-Being committee
- AD HOC CAP Committee on Committees
10. New Business
- Elections for the three open seats
- Starts with nominations and self-nominations
- Nominations close and will go to a vote if more than one nomination for the opening.
- Elections for the three open seats
11. CAP Grievance Training
12. Adjournment