Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, April 6, 2017, Illini Union Ballroom
Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman
Attendees: Rich Gegg (1), Kristina Miller (1), Jenny Ehrnthaller (2), Amy Hovious (2), Shawna Naidu (3), Andrew Reynolds (4), Rick Atterberry (5), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tracy Parish (8), Rebecca Ferrell (9), Richard Stokes (9), Ravi Ramrattan (10), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Beth Hall (11), Jeff Stein (11), Sharon Reynolds (ex-officio)
1. Call to Order – Chair Jeff Stein called the (recorded) meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
2. Public comments – None.
3. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Elizabeth Wahle made a motion to approve, and Ravi Ramrattan seconded; motion passed. Elizabeth Rockman noted that she has a work commitment and will not be able to take notes at next month’s meeting, and that a volunteer will be appreciated.
5. Chair’s Comments – Jeff Stein discussed the 3/15/17 BOT meeting related with IPAC activity, and that there was a vocal protest related to student demographics. The announcement of the Provost Search members will be made soon.
6. Announcements – None.
7. Committee Reports:
CAPE Awards Committee – Kristina Miller reminded of the CAPE Reception.
University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee – Jeff has had some follow-up conversations with a UIC representative about improving promotion lines and mentorship.
Academic Professional Senators – Rick Atterberry discussed the last Senate meeting, and discussion was held about the history of AP Senators and ensuring that three unrepresented districts gain representation (currently seven CAP districts are represented, three are not, and one is UA – and there are 50 student seats). Jeff will find out if Tracy, Kostas, and Melissa can help provide more context on this issue. Rick also discussed the athletic board’s need to report, and that there is a stalemate between the Governor and AFSCME related to health care.
Procedures and Elections Committee – Tracy gave thanks to AHR for their help with elections. Senate elections are over, except for a run-off, and CAP elections run through Tuesday. Next will be committee appointments and then CAP officers.
Communications Committee – Becky Ferrell provided updates and asked for response to videotaping related to 3 options: tape all but closed session, tape guest speakers, or tape all but AHR updates. After discussion, general agreement was to videotape special guest speakers (after securing their permission).
Grievance Officer – No report, but there will be an update at the next CAP meeting.
8. Academic Human Resources Report – Sharon Reynolds attended for Elyne Cole, and had no report. Jeff asked about visas, which will be much harder to procure for faculty, students, and staff (with the special exemption disappearing, it could take 6-8 months), and Sharon gave more details. He also asked about receiving a report (such as at Senate) on background checks.
9. Unfinished Business – None.
10. New Business – None.
11. Closed Session – None.
12. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.