October 2024 CAP Meeting Minutes

Meeting Info

Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Online via Zoom

  1. Call to Order, Eric Kurt, CAP Chair
  2. ST-83 Response, Richard Gegg and Eric Kurt
      • Eric provided timeline of ST-83 via PowerPoint. (PPT HERE) The presentation highlighted origins (ST-77 in 2012), revisions over time and final product. Former CAP Chair, Rich Gegg, provided recent historical support for context. 
      • Contextual comments made by Jenny Roether, UIUC Senate Clerk, where line 2213 of the document replaces academic “interest” with academic “expertise”. Implications to faculty as well – by nature if you’re researching an area, you’re not an “expert.” 
      • Megan Pickens, AP, with further comments to call attention to April 2024 response from SSP; comments on academic professionals engaged in teaching and research; removal of Academic Professionals terms; essentially it would take a formal finder of facts to determine who qualifies for these freedoms and who does not. 
      • Jessica Mette, AP, further comments that ST-83 looks to make one large group of staff and not just the Academic Professionals. Basically group for faculty, group for “staff” as a catch-all. ~around line 460 of ST-83 document. 
      • Eric Kurt called for comments and additions to the ST-83 response by email for incorporation.  
  3. Chair Remarks
    • Board of Trustees Meeting
      • 6,900 faculty system-wide 
      • 97k students system-wide 
      • 6.2% budget increase 
      • 8.3B total budget 
  4. Review and Approval of Minutes-Approved September 2024 minutes
      • Motion Brian Fulton CAP Dist 8 Rep
      • Second Todd Sweet CAP Dist 2 Rep
      • Approved
  5. Illinois Human Resources Report, Brian Farber, Chief of Staff and Special Projects, IHR Administration.
      • Staff Professional Development Fund (SPDF). As you know and as I have announced for the past several months, the APDF was officially retired on July 1 and is now replaced by the SPDF.  Primary changes are eligibility for all staff (not just APs) with more than 1 year of service and a 50%+ appointment (excluding temporary, visiting, or postdoc appointments).  In addition, CAP and SAC agreed that a review committee was unnecessary and asked that all applicants by reviewed administratively.  The application may be found at https://humanresources.illinois.edu/employee-experience/current-employee/connect-engage/ 
      • Numbers for the year so far: QU 1 July/August/September; Amount awarded:  $13,000.00; 26 recipients (14 CS, 12 AP); 1 denied (no matching funds from unit) 
      • ELOE – Supervisory Skills Program.  Applications for the Illinois Supervisory Skills Program are open for the spring semester program. The selection committee will choose 32 participants to be part of a select cohort of peers from across campus. Applications are due by Thursday, October 24.  For more information on the upcoming program, read the Spring 2025 Illinois Supervisory Skills outline. (https://uofi.app.box.com/s/timgvkiuygdu7mhq27xaz5pegywahu1v)  This program is part of the array of resources Employee Learning & Organizational Effectiveness provides focused on supervisory skill development and we encourage all supervisors to review opportunities listed here.  (https://humanresources.illinois.edu/about/culture-learning-engagement/employee-learning-organizational-effectiveness/supervisor-development/) 
      • IHR Webpage. IHR’s new webpage won 3rd place in the 2024 Illinois Brand Contest, “with an emphasis on best landing page layout”!  Congratulations Renee & Keith for your work on this 12 mos.+ project and making IHR look SO good!  There were 56 total entries, and it is exciting that we took one of top three spots. All on-brand entries are expected to be highlighted in the Illinois Brand Newsletter and a Brand Web Gallery on the brand website. 
      • Professional Development Opportunities Bulletin.  While discussing ELOE, please consider registering for the monthly bulletin to get announcements of all opportunities right to your email inbox.  https://emails.illinois.edu/subscribe?emailId=495440635 
      • SEIU. SEIU Local 73, the union of building and food service workers at the University of Illinois, has come to a tentative agreement with the university on their collective bargaining agreement.  Union leadership has now taken it to their membership to vote on ratification.   Parties from both sides agreed to a three-year contract extension.  The members returned to work on Tuesday after an 8-day work stoppage.  Throughout this time period, those members who elected to work and many campus volunteers were able to ensure the needs of our students continued to be met.  The membership may vote until Thursday of this week.   
      • Grievance Procedures.  As you know, IHR and CAP agreed to align the grievance processes for AP and Civil Service employees.  Cap voted to approve that change in September and IHR is working with the Chancellor’s office and our HR Partners to socialize the change and prepare for its implementation.  We will notify both councils when that procedure has been updated to our website.   
      • President, Chancellor, and Provost visits:  We have secured Provost Coleman’s visit for December 5.  We are tentatively working for the President to join you at 1:30 on March 6.   
      • IHR will continue to urge CAP to invite SAC to these visits. 
        • Performance Management program expansion.  As I announced in May and September, IHR has been working with the Performance Management Steering Committee over the last year and a half to continue refinements of our pilot performance review process in the Cornerstone platform (We use a different Cornerstone module for posting jobs  and where applicants apply for positions).  After several surveys and refinements, IHR will take the program out of pilot and expand adoption in the campus community.  I announced who would be in the program last month, but am excited to say we have added some new participating units since then.  The following units (making up over 1900 employees) will join us in FY25:  
        • School of Social Work 
        • Grainger College of Engineering 
        • LAS administration 
        • College on Media 
        • Gies College of Business 
        • Technology Services 
        • IHR 
        • College of Law 
        • Strategic Communications 
        • Strategic Project Management
    • New IHR Hires.  I told you last month that we were not quite able to announce our new Assistant Director for Well-Being Services, but happy to say that I can today.  Sara Maxwell started working with FSAWS on September 12. Sara has a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, as well as a Master of Public Health from the University of Illinois at Springfield. She is joining us from Busey where she served as the Assistant Vice President – Wellness Manager since 2022.  Sara will focus on programs and initiatives that enhance the well-being of all Illinois employees.
  6. Academic Senator and Senate Committee Reports, Eric Kurt, Senate Executive Committee
    • None
  7. Staff Advisory Council Report, Dale Billam, SAC Representative
    • Had Deb Stone attend meeting to address when/how pay raises are implemented. 
    • Richard Gegg to discuss Civil Service Employees getting representation on UIUC Senate and how to go about that.  
    • Newsletter in development, Brian Farber assisting in navigating. 
  8. CAP Committee Reports
    • None
  9. Grievance Update, Todd Sweet CAP Grievance Officer
    • None
  10. New Business
    • Reminder:  November CAP Meeting Cancelled-UPPAC conflict
  11. Closed Session
    • We will not have a closed session
  12. Adjourn


Submitted by P. Gavin