May 2024 CAP Meeting Minutes

Meeting Info

Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Online via Zoom

  1. Call to Order (1:15 pm) Eric Kurt
  2. Speaker, Chris Ochs, Director, Faculty/Staff Assistance and Wellbeing Services. Faculty/Staff Emergency Fund
    See recording for full discussion
  3. Chair’s Remarks
    • Thank you to all of the CAP members who are rotating off:
      • Svetlana Vranic-Sowers (1)
      • Emily Wuchner (4)
      • Julie Elzanati (10)
      • Elizabeth Watts (11)
    • Welcome to the new and reelected CAP representatives:
      • Phillip MaCarthy (1)
      • Stefan Djofdjevic(Geroge jevic) (3)
      • Celine Young (4)
      • Andrea McNiel (6)
      • Rae Fletcher (7)
      • Crystal Zolauf, reelected (7)
      • Brian Fulton, reelected (8)
      • Kiona Kittl (10)
    • Slate of officers (elected at the meeting):
      • Chair – Eric Kurt
      • Vice Chair – Beth Meschewski
      • Communication – Lisa Goodpaster Lahners
      • Secretary – Patrick Gavin
      • Grievance Officer – Todd Sweet
      • Assistant Grievance Officer – Brian Fulton
      • At Large – Will Schlaack

4. Public Comment – None
5. Review and Approval of MinutesApril 2024 Approved
Human Resources Report: Brain Farber, Chief of Staff & Special Projects, IHR Administration

    • APDF #s QU 4: April/May/June (thru April 30)
      1. Amount awarded:  $8,724.00; 18 recipients
    • Year to date
      1. Amount Awarded:  $41,479.00; 91 recipients.
    • SAC has proposed being included in a development fund and Shari Mickey-Boggs has discussed with the Chancellor and he is supportive of including CS.  We are waiting on a SAC Representative to schedule a discussion.  We hope for opportunities to simplify and combine the processes.
    • Performance Management Pilot.  It is performance review season!  As some of you may know, IHR has been working with the Performance Management Steering Committee over the last year to continue refinements of our pilot performance review process in the Cornerstone platform.  Most pilot participants have now completed their self-assessment and supervisors are writing the review and scheduling the dialogue.  Early feedback is favorable, and we will ask the Steering Committee to again review feedback for a potential broader release.
    • Paid Leave For All Workers. Effective 1/1/24, allows a 90-day implementation date, University will implement on 3/31/24.  IHR worked with the system office and colleges and major administrative units to refine implementation.
    • Only for those who don’t already receive vacation – faculty, APs on 9-10 month appointments, Post docs on 9 or 10 month appointments, Extra Help and Academic Hourly employees.  Students are exempted from the law.
    • Maximum 40 hours of leave over 12 months.  Usage reported in 2-hour increments.
    • More information may be found at:
    • FLSA changes. On April 23, 2024, the Department of Labor announced significant changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which impacts overtime eligibility.  The final rule will increase the annual FLSA Salary Minimum (threshold) standard professional (a.k.a. ‘white collar’) exemption in two phases:
      1. Phase I FLSA Salary Threshold of $844 per week (equivalent to $43,888 per year) with an effective date of July 1, 2024, (increased from the $684 week/$35,568 annual) and
      2. Phase II FLSA Salary Threshold of $1,128 per week (equivalent to $58,656 per year) with an effective date of January 1, 2025.
      3. The final rule also provides for future updates of these levels every three years to reflect current earnings data.
    • Colleges/MAUs will work with IHR to determine how the affected employees may have their employment change.
    • Illinois Supervisory Skills Program Accepting Applications for Fall 2024.  The Illinois Supervisory Skills Program is an opportunity to develop self-awareness of management styles and personal biases, to practice strategies for resolving conflict, and to build confidence in leading others through performance feedback and coaching techniques. The program is open to current academic or civil service employees who are supervisors with at least a 75%-time appointment at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Applications are due June 24, 2024.
    • CAP proposal regarding leave benefits:  As a reminder, the CHRO discussed this proposal with the Chancellor in December.  The proposal is also being discussed and considered by the University of Illinois System office and sister schools as changes to AP benefits would require a Statutes change.  IHR will continue collaborations on determining next steps that are aligned with the System.
    • Benefits Choice. The State Department of Central Management Services (CMS) has announced that the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Benefit Choice enrollment period will begin May 1 and end May 31, 2024.  Check your email for an announcement from System HR.  This period is your one time each year to make changes to your benefits without experiencing a qualifying event.
    • Talent Campaign:  A reminder that IHR’s Marketing & Communications team is partnering with Strategic Communications & Marketing on a significant recruitment advertising campaign this spring.  The campaign will be the first of its kind and is being designed to allow us to have metrics and tracking for evaluating effectiveness both in general and by specific location. The plan is to focus on markets in St. Louis, Cedar Rapids, Chicago, and Indy areas. This will be more than 5 million hits and include billboards and other digital roadside, office buildings, theaters, bars, college campuses and metros.
    • IHR Website.   The new IHR website is so close!!  We anticipate a launch by mid-May. This new site offers enhanced accessibility, seamless cohesive content, and streamlined navigation. Accessing information and reaching out to IHR representatives will be easier than ever before. This forthcoming improved user experience aims to meet needs promptly and efficiently.
    • CAP Grievance Process:  LER staff have a draft of revised grievance procedures for that they are putting finishing touches on before CAP review.  As a reminder, CAP expressed interest in seeing this process managed by LER vs. having CAP membership conduct investigations and proceedings.  The parties are working to propose an AP process administered by LER that mirrors the CS process.
    • Chancellor’s visit:  As you know, the Chancellor has accepted CAP’s invitation to meet with them at their June regular meeting.  Thank you to Lisa for soliciting questions.  IHR would also like to propose that CAP and SAC consider joint invitations and meetings with the President, Chancellor, and Provost each year.  We’d ask that CAP consider inviting SAC to the Chancellor’s visit in June. I expect Shari Mickey-Boggs to also be in attendance.
  • 7. Academic Senator and Senate Committee Reports
    8. Staff Advisory Council Report, Dale Billam, SAC Representative
  • 9. CAP Committee Reports
    • Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award( CSEA): Chaya Sandler
    • IHR Strategic Initiatives-Training and Employee Development Advisory(TEDAC) Committee: Amy Dillard
    • Procedures and Bylaws Committee: Rich Gegg
      1. CAP has put forward a proposal aimed at enhancing representation within the Senate to better align with the principles of fairness, equity, and inclusivity fundamental to our institution’s values. The proposal recommends expanding Senate membership to ensure adequate representation for various classes of academics, including specialized faculty, Academic Professionals (APs), and Civil Service employees.
      2. Specifically, CAP proposes adding an extra Senator for each AP District, totaling two (2) per district and twenty (20) in total. Additionally, CAP advocates for the inclusion of two Senators for each Civil Service Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) classification not represented by a professional union, in accordance with the composition of the Staff Advisory Council’s Elected Council Representation as outlined in the University of Illinois’ Staff Advisory Council Urbana-Champaign Constitution and Bylaws.
      3. These seats would ensure that Senate committees that have expanded outside Teaching, Learning and Research and into General University Business are inclusive of all members of the University workforce.  These committees include,  but may not be limited to: Budget, Campus Operations, Committee on Committees, Conference on Conduct Governance, Diversity,  Equity,  and Inclusion, Elections and Credentials, General University Policy, Information Technology, Public Engagement and Outreach, Senate Executive Committee,  and Faculty & Academic Staff Benefits).
      4. This proposal reflects CAP’s commitment to fostering a more inclusive and representative governance structure within our institution. By ensuring that all academic and staff groups have a voice in Senate proceedings,  we can better address the diverse needs and perspectives of our university community. Moreover,  this expansion of Senate membership will contribute to a more democratic decision-making process,  enhancing transparency and accountability across the board.
      5. The Senate Committee on Elections and Credentials has been supportive.  The Senate Executive Committee has inquired into the interest of SAC on these matters. I have requested an official ‘Letter of Support’ from SAC leadership.  I suggest that if we do not receive a convincing letter of support from SAC by the date requested,  that we move forward with just the AP request for two (2) seats per district.
      6. This will roll to next Senate year, but the make-up of the next Senate looks to be equally supportive.
    • Public Safety Advisory Committee: Will Schlaack
    • University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee( UPPAC): Lisa Merrifield, Beth Meschewski, Patrick Gavin, Lisa Goodpaster Lahners
      1. June meeting will be PPD’d due to President’s calendar

11. New Business, Chancellor will attend the June meeting

12. Closed Session– We did not have a closed session

14. Adjourn

Submitted: P. Gavin