November 2022 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 03, 2022
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom
- Call to Order at 1:28. The late start was due to Zoom technical difficulties.
- Guest Speaker: NONE
- Executive Committee Elections
- Executive Committee officers were approved: Lisa Merrifield to Vice Chair, Lisa Bievenue to Secretary, Beth Meschewski to Communications.
- Public Comment
- None
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- October 2022 approved.
- Chair’s Remarks
- As per Public Act 102-0015 Election Day, November 8, 2022, is a state holiday.
- End of year reporting is underway. A goals and accomplishments document will be produced. Chairs will hear from Rich.
- Rich thanked all APs for all we do.
- Announcements
- None.
- Illinois Human Resources Report: Shari Mickey-Boggs, Sr. Assoc Chancellor for Human Resources, Deb Stone, Executive Director, Illinois Human Resources Policy, and Administration.
- The Operational Excellence Team has just finished cataloging all of the services HR provides from all customers’ perspective and will use that information to evaluate operational structure.
- IHR is designing a training for manager to provide guidance on leading hybrid and remote work teams.
- A small group will be piloting a new online performance evaluation system through Corner Stone.
- Applicant pools for University jobs are starting to increase. HR has been working on increased communication of new positions.
- The Academic Development Fund has 6 applications pending. There is still space for people to take advantage of the program.
- The Provost will address CAP in December, the Chancellor will speak in January and the President will speak in April.
- Academic Senator Reports
- There has not been a meeting since the last CAP meeting.
- Academic Senate Committee Reports – goals
- Admissions: Jeannette Elliott
- The committee meet in October and had a follow meeting last week. The University had record enrollment again this year. This admissions cycle saw the 2nd highest number of IL residence being admitted and showed good diversity and good retention. The test optional policy is now the law for Illinois residence and the committee has put forward a motion s to be extended the policy to non-resident and international for the next few application cycles.
- Elections and Credentials: Brian Farber
- The committee continues to work the best ways to identify the AP electorate. The previous system wasn’t working. The proposal seeks to operationalize a more effective system.
- Student electorate eligibility has also been under discussion with respect to consideration of remote and part-time students.
- Joint Advisory Committee on Investment, Licensing, and Naming Rights: William Schlaack
- No applications so the committee has not met
- Public Engagement and Outreach: Sarah Christensen, Lisa Bievenue
- Meeting held but nothing critical to APs was discussed
- University Student Life: *OPEN
- Rich will cover for the next couple of meetings.
- Admissions: Jeannette Elliott
- CAP Committee Reports
- Academic Development Fund Committee
- Patrick Gavin and Matt Buchi volunteered to serve on this committee.
- CAPE Awards Committee: Tina Rolfe, Chaya Sandler
- Chaya is taking over as the chair. Revisions have been proposed to consolidate awards and streamline the process. The goal is to have less artificial divisions between employee classes.
- Communications Committee: Lisa Bievenue, Lisa Merrifield, Ann Christine Jones
- Beth will be chairing going forward
- Outreach Committee: Brandi Barnes
- No updates
- Officer Nominating Committee: Open
- Lisa Merrifield and Rich Gegg will serve going forward.
- A third position is available
- Procedures and Elections Committee: Rich Gegg , Brandi Barnes, Lisa Bievenue, Terri Ciofalo
- Executive positions were filled at the beginning of the meeting.
- There are some changes in statues and voting processes
- Public Safety Advisory Committee: William Alan Schlaack ‘23
- No meetings
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee: Jeff Stein ‘23, Lisa Merrifield
- The committee is meeting on 11/18.
- A subcommittee is working on employee wellness recommendations. The committee is in the information gathering at this point.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws: Jayesh Patel, Mindy Spencer
- Rich will resend to Deb Stone for review.
- Grievance Officer: Brandi Barnes
- No updates
- IHR Strategic Initiatives – Training and Employee Development Advisory (TEDAC) Committee Unfinished Business
- If anyone wished to volunteer, reach out to Ty Goddard in IHR.
- Still considering a joint meeting.
- Academic Development Fund Committee
- New Business
- Visiting APs don’t get our announcements for CAP meetings and there is nothing in the by-laws excluding visiting APs from the CAP. Lisa Bievenue motions for visiting APs to receive CAP communication and be eligible to hold CAP committees and council positions. As per other written guidelines, visiting APs cannot be eligible for APDF or Senate seats or areas where strictly prohibited.
- The motion passed.
- Rich will be bringing forth a by-law change regarding people who can serve as representatives. Rich is proposing that if a regional election do not result in self-nominations from different units, we allow two people from the same department to serve. Lisa will help with this revision.
- Other by-law change is an organizational change. Meet in person and requirement to attend meetings regularly.
- Visiting APs don’t get our announcements for CAP meetings and there is nothing in the by-laws excluding visiting APs from the CAP. Lisa Bievenue motions for visiting APs to receive CAP communication and be eligible to hold CAP committees and council positions. As per other written guidelines, visiting APs cannot be eligible for APDF or Senate seats or areas where strictly prohibited.
- Closed Session – A closed session was held.
- Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 2:49.
Dates and Locations of CAP Monthly Meetings and CAP-Sponsored Events
Date | Location | Notes and Other Events |
12/1/2022 | TBD |
Representative | In-Attendance |
District 1: Richard Gegg | Yes |
District 1: Unfilled | – |
District 2: Elizabeth Gonzalez | Yes |
District 2: Unfilled | – |
District 3: Tasha Robles | No |
District 3: Unfilled | – |
District 4: Brandi Barnes | Yes |
District 4: Rashmi Tenneti | Yes |
District 5: Patrick Gavin | Yes |
District 5: Suzana Palaska | No |
District 6: Doug Gucker | Yes |
District 6: Lisa Merrifield | Yes |
District 7: Mathew Buchi | Yes |
District 7: Tina Rolfe | Yes |
District 8: Chaya Sandler | No |
District 8: Drew Schlosser | No |
District 9: Eric Kurt | Yes |
District 9: William Schlaack | Yes |
District 10: Julie Elzanati | No |
District 10: Lisa Bievenue | Yes |
District 11: Elizabeth Watts | Yes |
District 11: Elizabeth Meschewski | Yes |