October 2022 Meeting Minutes

October 2022 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom

  1. Call to Order – Rich Gegg called the meeting to order at 1:15
  2. Guest Speaker: Lisa Bievenue (Director of Informatics Programs, School of Information Sciences) –A Tale of Two Organizations Advocating for Academic Professionals: CAP and AAP
    • Lisa provided information about CAP history, scope, and benefits for APs, and information about the Association of Academic Professionals. AAP represents visiting academic professionals. APs can also participate.
  3. Executive Committee Elections
    • The vice chair position is open. Lisa Merrifield is willing to step in. Lisa Bievenue is willing to serve as either the secretary or communications officer. We need someone to fill one of these positions.
  1. Public Comment
    • No request for public comment
  1. Review and Approval of Minutes
  1. Chair’s Remarks
    • Rich will be reaching out to committee chairs about missions and goals.
    • At the Board of Trustees meeting, Rich received accolades for AP’s contributions.
  1. Announcements
    • No announcements
  1. Illinois Human Resources Report: Shari Mickey-Boggs, Sr. Assoc Chancellor for Human Resources, Deb Stone, Executive Director, Illinois Human Resources Policy, and Administration.
    • HR and IT are two of the functional areas working through the operational excellence activities. HR has been focusing on creating a service catalog to capture all of the services someone might ask of HR (customer perspective). Those services will eventually feed into the structural design optimization for HR.
    • The job description and applicant tracking software is now fully operational. There are lots of vacancies on campus. The U of I is not immune to the applicant shortages we are seeing around the country.
    • The AP development fund has 68 total applications and have one pending application.
  1. Academic Senator Reports
    • Brian Faber and Elizabeth Meschewski reported. An organizational meeting was held and committee assignments were made for the start of the term.
  1. Academic Senate Committee Reports
    • Admissions: Jeannette Elliott
      1. The committee has recommended continuation of the Test Optional Policy for non-resident and international students.
    • Campus Operations: Susan Breakenridge
      1. The committee has discussed difficulties with Chrome River and the unreliability of MTD at UIUC.
    • Committees on Committees: Chaya Sandler
      • No report.
    • Educational Policy: Nicole Turner
      1. This committee is currently meeting weekly. The curriculum contact in each unit has a document of best practices. If you have any part in program proposals, check that out.
      2. The academic catalog went through an update. The undergraduate programs are now getting suggested sequences for every undergrad major that plots required courses out within an 8 semester time frame.
    • Elections and Credentials: Brian Farber
      1. The first meeting will be held on Friday 10/14 and is open to public.
      2. The committee continues to work on eligibility of the AP electorate.
    • Information Technology: Mike Bohlmann
      1. James Quizenberry has replaced Mike.
    • Joint Advisory Committee on Investment, Licensing, and Naming Rights: William Schlaack
      1. The committee has not met since the last CAP meeting.
    • Public Engagement and Outreach: Sarah Christensen, Lisa Bievenue
      1. The Chancellor’s office has asked units to develop a plan for engagement to go along with promotion and tenure changes for faculty.
      2. APs can find volunteers through Give Pulse, and STEM Illinois.
      3. There will be a STEM-fest at the new Martin Center, where the Boys and Girls Club is now. Organizers are looking for departments who do public engagement and outreach to participate. Contact Wanda Ward or Ruby Wednhall.
    • University Statutes & Senate Procedures (USSP): Collin Ruud
      1. Jeff Stein is an AP representative to this committee. During the fall and spring semesters University Statues will be revised. A main thrust of revisions will redefine employee types more clearly. This is important for CAP because, depending on how it is revised, there may be intended or unintended consequences to APs. Article 2, 9,10 and elements of academic freedom are under review. Sean Gilmore is chairing the meeting and has reached out to CAP for input. All three senates from all three Universities have to approve and then the BOT has to approve.
      2. Council members, AP senators, or APs at large who are willing to provide perspectives or lend their voice should contact Jeff at jastein@illinois.edu.
  1. CAP Committee Reports
    • CAPE Awards Committee: Tina Rolfe, Chaya Sandler
        1. On hold right now, but should be able to share soon
    • Communications Committee: Lisa Bievenue, Lisa Merrifield, Ann Christine Jones
        1. Nothing new to share.
        2. Do have a document that describes the duties.
    • Outreach Committee: Brandi Barnes
        1. No report
    • Officer Nominating Committee: John Mahlmeister
        1. CAP needs to fill vice chair, secretary, or communications
    • Procedures and Elections Committee: John Mahlmeister, Brandi Barnes, Lisa Bievenue, Terri Ciofalo
        • We are currently trying to fill AP senator in district 4 and other missing representatives.
        • Right now two CAP representatives can’t be from the same unit. We are considering amending by-laws to allow people to fill unfilled slots.
    • Public Safety Advisory Committee: William Alan Schlaack ‘23
        1. No information about when will be meeting
    • Special Events Advisory Committee:*OPEN* employee expo
        1. No fall expo planned for UIUC
    • Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws: Jayesh Patel, Mindy Spencer
        1. This assignment has been completed
    • Ad Hoc Employee Well-Being committee: Julie Elzanati
      1. Signed up: Tasha Marie Robles, Urias Betoel Escobar, and William Alan Schlaack
      2. The committee has not met.
  1. New Business
    • A copy of Grievance Training Slides will be put in the CAP box folder.
  2. Closed Session – CAP did not hold a closed session
  3. Adjournment – Meeting concluded at 2:43
  In attendance
District 1: Richard Gegg yes
District 1: Unfilled  –
District 2: Elizabeth Gonzalez yes
District 2: Unfilled  –
District 3: Tasha Robles yes
District 3: Unfilled  –
District 4: Brandi Barnes  yes
District 4: Rashmi Tenneti yes
District 5: Patrick Gavin yes
District 5: Suzana Palaska  No
District 6: Doug Gucker no
District 6: Lisa Merrifield  yes
District 7: Mathew Buchi  yes
District 7: Tina Rolfe  yes
District 8: Chaya Sandler  yes
District 8: Drew Schlosser  no
District 8: Eric Kurt yes
District 9: William Schlaack  yes
District 10: Julie Elzanati  no
District 10: Lisa Bievenue yes
District 11: Elizabeth Watts  no
District 11: Unfilled  –