September 2022 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom (September 2022 Meeting Recording )
In Attendance Rich Gegg (1), Tasha Robles (3), Brandi Barnes (4), Rashmi Tenneti (4), Lisa Merrifield (6), Urias Betoel Escobar (7), Mathew Buchi (7), Tina Rolfe (7), William Schlaack (9), Erik Kurt (9), Lisa Bievenue (10), Elizabeth Watts Malouchos (11)
AP Senators: Gabriel Figliuzzi, Robb Mullins
Absent Patrick Gavin (5), Julie Elzanati (10), Elizabeth Gonzalez (2), Doug Glucker (6), Drew Schlosser (8), Jake Metz (9), Sara Ashcroft (11)
Resigned: John Mahlmeister (2), Suzana Palaska (5)
- Call to Order
- Rich Gegg called the meeting to order at 1:15
- Public Comment
- No public comment
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- July 2022 minutes were approved
- Chair’s Remarks
- Timm Flanigan passed away in July. He was a supporter of and longtime member of CAP and advocate for meaningful policy changes and support of students. He will be missed.
- Changes in representation
- John Mahlmeister has changed positions and must leave CAP. John was the vice chair so there is an opening for that position
- Suzanna Palaska has also resigned because of job responsibilities
- District 4 also has an opening
- CAP is looking for people to help with committees as well
- APDF fund committee
- IHR Strategic Initiatives’ Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee (TEDAC) membership for a CAP leader
- Other committees that need representation are listed below
- Legal council has decided CAP is not required to follow the Open Meetings Act, but CAP will follow those guidelines voluntarily as often as possible
- Rich invites current committee chairs to meet with him to outline plans for the coming year and past chairs to write up a summary of the committee duties and activities so that we can begin to have better turn over.
- Announcements
- No announcements
- Illinois Human Resources Report: Deb Stone, Executive Director, Illinois Human Resources Policy, and Administration.
- Campus has implemented the new application software and applicant tracking website and back end. The outward facing site is at Jobs.Illinois. Encourage people to check it out. People can sign up to get an email daily of available jobs. The site is a much more modern and relatable front door for those who are interested in a career at the University.
- IHR is continuing to evaluate and modify policies and procedures related to post-Covid employment
- AP Development fund numbers are not available at this meeting
- CAP Ad Hoc Committees – no reports
- University Student Life: OPEN
- Academic Senate Committee Reports
- No reports
- Opportunities for AP(s) on Senate committees, and elections are currently active
- CAP Committee Reports
- It is time to reassess the committees and to adapt to COVID changes and being virtual.
- AD HOC CAP Committee on Committees
- what is active, what can be closed, who needs members
- AD Hoc Organizational Review Committee
- Structure (benefit is you get to set the standard)
- Charge doc
- Activities doc
- Turnover/training notes
- Minutes
- Structure (benefit is you get to set the standard)
- AP Development Fund: Lisa Bievenue /*OPEN*
- Campus HR Staffing Committee:*OPEN*
- Officer Nominating Committee: *OPEN*
- Public Safety Advisory Committee:*OPEN*
- William Schlaak volunteered to chair this committee
- Recruitment and Retention:*OPEN*
- Special Events Advisory Committee:*OPEN* employee expo
- Ad Hoc SAC/CAP Common Interest Areas:Jake Metz/ *OPEN*?
- IHR Strategic Initiatives – Training and Employee Development Advisory (TEDAC) Committee Unfinished Business: *OPEN*
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee: Rich Gegg, Lisa Merrifield
- AD HOC CAP Committee on Committees
- Focusing on 3 goals in the coming year
- Wellbeing
- Return to campus work
- Salary equity and comparison across all Universities and Big 10
- It is time to reassess the committees and to adapt to COVID changes and being virtual.
- Academic Senator Reports
- Brian Faber has been elected chair of elections and credentials. Her reported that there are 3 faculty openings. No other report at this time
- New Business
- Liz Watts Malouchos (district 11) requested clarification for people who received equity salary adjustments that went into affect in July. They have been told they are not eligible for the current salary program.
- Deb Stone clarified – IHR would need to look at the individual situation. However, the long standing practice is that any employee who takes a new position or has had a significant salary increase after March 1 is not eligible for the August salary program. Units can request an exception. The usual expectation is that the Units will take that into consideration.
- Rich is still working on a discussion between SAC and CAP to make sure everyone is represented and touch base about goals and progress. Collaboration. May try to have a holiday gathering.
- Election Results
- If anyone has any interest and self-nominations for Vice Chair or for one of the open representative seats, please self-nominate.
- Election duties fall to the secretary, Lisa Merrifield
- Submit self-nominations for Vice-Chair to Rich
- If anyone has any interest and self-nominations for Vice Chair or for one of the open representative seats, please self-nominate.
- Liz Watts Malouchos (district 11) requested clarification for people who received equity salary adjustments that went into affect in July. They have been told they are not eligible for the current salary program.
- CAP members participated in Grievance Training
- Adjournment – 2:34 pm
Dates and Locations of CAP Monthly Meetings and CAP-Sponsored Events
Date | Location | Notes and Other Events |
09/01/2022 | Grievance Training |