September 2022 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom
- Call to Order
- Due to the Disaster Declaration by the Governor, it has been deemed too dangerous to meet in person in our current space. Therefore, this meeting will be streamed and recorded to conduct University business. Renewed 5/27
- Guest Speaker: NONE
- Executive Committee Elections – Need Vice Chair
- Public Comment
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- July 2022
- Chair’s Remarks
- Welcome back!
- Committees – Goals for the year
- IHR Strategic Initiatives’ Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee (TEDAC) membership for a CAP leader
- Announcements
- Illinois Human Resources Report: Shari Mickey-Boggs, Sr. Assoc Chancellor for Human Resources, Deb Stone, Executive Director, Illinois Human Resources Policy, and Administration.
- Academic Senator Reports (concluded its meetings for the semester. Reconvene Fall)
- District 2: Molly Helgesen
- District 3: M. Aaron Smith
- District 4: Stephan Lane
- District 5: Jessica Harke
- District 6: Carl Baker
- District 7: Brian Farber
- District 8: Gabe Figliuzzi
- District 9: Jake Metz
- District 10: Karen McLaughlin
- District 11: Elizabeth Meschewski
- Academic Senate Committee Reports ( probably not meeting, speak up if you have a report. I am asking you to prepare a short paragraph of current topics and goals for this year and put out in box
- Admissions: Jeannette Elliot
- Budget: Kaamilyah Abdullah-Spa
- Campus Operations: Susan Breakenridg
- Committees on Committees: Chaya Sandler
- Educational Policy: Nicole Turne
- Elections and Credentials: Brian Farbe
- Equal Opportunity and Inclusion: Kaamilyah Abdullah-Spa
- Faculty and Academic Staff Benefits: Matthew Feely (AP), CAP-REP (open), Richard Gegg
- General University Policy: Melissa Madse
- Information Technology: Mike Bohlman
- Joint Advisory Committee on Investment, Licensing, and Naming Rights: William Schlaac
- Public Engagement and Outreach: Sarah Christensen, Lisa Bievenu
- Senate Executive Committee (SEC): Rich Gegg
- University Statutes & Senate Procedures (USSP): Collin Ruud
- University Student Life: Tim Flanagin
- CAP Committee Report
- Campus Administrative Manual Updates:Ann Christine Jone
- Campus HR Staffing Committee:*OPEN
- CAPE Awards Committee: Tina Rolfe, Chaya Sandle
- Communications Committee:Lisa Bievenue, Lisa Merrifield, Ann Christine Jone
- Outreach Committee:Brandi Barne
- Officer Nominating Committee:John Mahlmeiste
- Procedures and Elections Committee:John Mahlmeister, Brandi Barnes, Lisa Bievenue, Terri Ciofal
- Public Safety Advisory Committee:*OPEN
- Racism and Social Injustice:Gio Guerra Pere
- Recruitment and Retention:Suzana Palaska
- Special Events Advisory Committee:*OPEN* employee exp
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee: John Mahlmeister, Lisa Merrifield
- CAP Ad Hoc Committees
- Ad Hoc SAC/CAP Common Interest Areas:Jake Met
- Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws:Jayesh Patel, Mindy Spence
- Ad Hoc Employee Well-Being committee: Julie Elzanati
- Signed up (Tasha Marie Robles, Urias Betoel Escobar, and William Alan Schlaack.
- Grievance Officer: Brandi Barnes
- IHR Strategic Initiatives – Training and Employee Development Advisory (TEDAC) Committee Unfinished Business
- Need someone (at least temporarily) to serve on APDF to finish out existing requests
- AD HOC CAP Committee on Committees
- what is active, what can be closed, who needs members
- AD Hoc Organizational Review Committee
- Structure (benefit is you get to set the standard)
- Charge doc
- Activities doc
- Turnover/training notes
- Minutes
- Annual report
- Structure (benefit is you get to set the standard)
- Opportunities for AP(s) on Senate committees, and elections are currently active
- SAC-CAP in July
- New Business
- Grievance Training Slides
- Election Results
- Closed Session – We will NOT have a closed session.
- Adjournment
Dates and Locations of CAP Monthly Meetings and CAP-Sponsored Events
Date | Location | Notes and Other Events |
09/01/2022 | Grievance Training |
District 1: Richard Gegg | X |
District 1: Unfilled | |
District 2: Elizabeth Gonzalez | |
District 2: John Mahlmeister | |
District 3: Tasha Robles | |
District 3: Unfilled | |
District 4: Brandi Barnes | |
District 4: Rashmi Tenneti | EX |
District 5: Patrick Gavin | |
District 5: Suzana Palaska | |
District 6: Doug Gucker | |
District 6: Lisa Merrifield | |
District 7: Mathew Buchi | |
District 7: Tina Rolfe | |
District 8: Chaya Sandler | |
District 8: Drew Schlosser | |
District 8: Eric Kurt | |
District 9: William Schlaack | |
District 10: Julie Elzanati | |
District 10: Lisa Bievenue | |
District 11: Elizabeth Watts | |
District 11: Unfilled |