December 2021 Monthly CAP Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Zoom
Attendees: Richard Gegg (1), Alexander Weber-Kamin (2), Tasha Robles (3), Rashmi Teneti (4), Suzana Pulaska-Nicholson (5), Ann Christine Jones (5), Betoel Escobar (7), William Schlaack (9), Jake Metz (9), Lisa Bievenue (10), Julie Elzanati (10)
Absent: John Mahlmeister (2), Brandi Barnes (4), Doug Gucker (6), Lisa Merrifield (6), Tina Rolfe (7), Drew (Dallas) Schlosser (8), Liz Watts Malouchos (11), Sarah Ashcraft (11)
- Call to Order – Rich called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm
- Guest Speaker: Overview of Shared Benefits — Angela Reggans and Annette Huss, Labor and Employee Relations, Illinois Human Resources.
- Shared benefits is a sick leave pool of donated paid leave allowing employees to share sick leave with co-workers
- Open to civil service, AP and faculty who participate in SURS
- Requirements: at least 50% position, minimum 9 month appointment, must donate to the pool, have minimum balance to donate, qualify and apply for SURS disability
- May be approved for up to 45 working days of paid leave
- For more information and to donate visit the My UI Info website:
- Public Comment – No comments.
- Review and Approval of Minutes
- November 2021 Minutes Approved (moved by William Schlaack, seconded by Nicole Turner
- Chair’s Remarks – Echoing State of the University Address, to thank everyone for their contributions and amazing response to COVID; enrollment is at an all-time high. Appreciate everyone getting vaccinated and participating in testing.
- Announcements
- Welcome to new CAP members in Districts 2 and 10: Alex Weber-Kamin (2), Julie Elzanati (10).
- Academic Senator Reports (no reports)
- District 2: Molly Helgesen
- District 3: Aaron Godwin
- District 4: Dustin Yocum
- District 5: Jessica Hartke
- District 6: Jenny Garner
- District 7: Brian Farber
- District 8: Collin Ruud
- District 9: Jake Metz
- District 10: Karen McLaughlin
- District 11: Elizabeth Meschewski
- Academic Senate Committee Reports (updates?)
- Admissions: Jeannette Elliott
- No update
- Budget: Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span
- No update
- Campus Operations: Glennys Mensing
- No update
- Committees: Chaya Sandler
- No update
- Educational Policy: Nicole Turner
- No update
- Elections and Credentials: Brian Farber
- Haven’t met
- Equal Opportunity and Inclusion: Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span
- No update
- Faculty and Academic Staff Benefits: Francis Thomas, Matt Feely
- No update
- General University Policy: Melissa Madsen
- No update
- Information Technology: Mike Bohlmann
- No update
- Joint Advisory Committee on Investment, Licensing, and Naming Rights: William Schlaack
- Haven’t met
- Public Engagement and Outreach: Sarah Christensen, Lisa Bievenue
- No update
- Senate Executive Committee (SEC): Rich Gegg
- Discussion on RS 22.02 resolution on notification regarding infectious disease outbreaks
- University Statutes & Senate Procedures (USSP): Tasha Robles & Terri Ciofalo
- No update
- University Student Life: Tim Flanagin
- No update
- Admissions: Jeannette Elliott
- CAP Committee Reports (updates?)
- Campus Administrative Manual Updates:Ann Christine Jones
- No update
- Campus HR Staffing Committee:Myra Sully
- No update
- CAPE Awards Committee: Tina Rolfe, Chaya Sandler
- Looking for more nominees.
- Communications Committee:Lisa Bievenue, Lisa Merrifield, Ann Christine Jones
- No update
- Outreach Committee:Lisa Merrifield, John Scott
- No update
- Officer Nominating Committee:John Scott
- No update
- Procedures and Elections Committee:John Scott, Brandi Barnes, Lisa Bievenue, Terri Ciofalo
- No update
- Public Safety Advisory Committee:Brian Brauer
- No update
- Racism and Social Injustice:Gio Guerra Perez
- No update
- Recruitment and Retention:Suzana Palaska
- No update
- Could use more members on subcommittee, contact Suzana Palaska
- Special Events Advisory Committee:Brian Brauer
- No update
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee: John Mahlmeister, Lisa Merrifield
- Haven’t met
- Ad Hoc SAC/CAP Common Interest Areas: Jake Metz
- No update
- Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws:Jayesh Patel, Mindy Spencer
- No update
- Grievance Officer: Brandi Barnes, Jake Metz
- None today
- Illinois Human Resources Report Deb Stone, Interim Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
- Interim Director of Classification & Compensation Admin (Jacqueline Flowers): reviewing marketing and PR/communications job descriptions for functional review; contact Jacquelin with any questions
- APDF report (Teresa Harvey): $50,000 in fund, 21 funded for $7864, 2 declined, 1 pending at $500
- Angela Reggans: President announced gift day to staff on January 4.
- Training reminders:
- Quarterly Cybersecurity training due December 23
- ANCRA (for mandated reporters) training required every 3 years due January 21, 2022
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- No meeting in January
- Possibility of CAP townhall to remind people about what CAP does and what resources are available.
- No Closed Session.
- Adjournment – 2:20 pm.