April 2020 Meeting Minutes

April 2020 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Skype for Business

Attendees: Rich Gegg (1), Brent West (1), Allie Arp (2), Randal Sandone (2), Mindy Spencer (3), Maggie Jarvis (3), Brandi Barnes (4), Dustin Yocum (4), Ann Jones (5), Suzana Palaska-Nicholson (5), Lisa Merrifield (6), Carl Baker (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Nicole DelMastro-Jeffery (7), Brian Brauer (8), Crystal Zulauf (8), William Schlaack (9), Lisa Bievenue (10), Nancy Walsh (10), Jeff Stein (11)

Absent: Grant Brewer (9), John Scott (11)

  1. Call to Order – Brian called the meeting to order at 1:15
  2. Presentation – Chancellor Robert Jones
    • Chancellor Jones updated the group on COVID-19 efforts and answered questions.
  1. Public Comment
    • No public comments
  1. Chair’s Remarks
    • Thank you for meeting in this new way. Hopefully we will be able to have an in person meeting in May.
  1. Announcements
    • Brent has been working on electronic signature capabilities – the ability to use electronic signatures will formally role out to campus soon.
  1. Academic Senator Reports
    • The Senate met before Spring Break. No reports.
  1. Academic Senate Committee Reports
    1. Most committees have not met since our last meeting.
    2. Faculty and Academic Staff Benefits: Francis Thomas, Brent West
      • Met on Monday. Self-Managed plan vendor changes are likely to be delayed until September.  The committee has also discussed pay continuity for people on sponsored projects – there is a SPA web page with information from specifics funder policies.
    3. General University Policy: Melissa Madsen
      • The committee is reviewing information on classroom disruptions and working on administrative functions
    4. Senate Executive Committee (SEC): Brian Brauer & Brent West
      • Meeting 3x per week and are using emergency powers to make decisions in these times. Some decisions include offering pass/fail and credit/no credit to students. A request made to end the semester early was not approved. There has been a lot of great information sharing. Most recent question the Senate is discussion deals with questions on intimate relations and sexual misconduct.
    5. University Statutes & Senate Procedures (USSP): Jeff Stein
      • Met virtually last week. Because of the nature of the committee, they are meeting weekly to figure out how to operate Senate business under the stay at home mandate.
  1. CAP Committee Reports
    1. AP Development Fund (Nancy)
      • Prior to the stay and home, the fund was completely spent, but some of the events that were previously approved have likely been cancelled. This will need to be revisited.
  2. Campus, and University Committees
    1. Special Events Advisory Committee (Brian)
      • Has not met
    2. Public Safety Advisory Committee (Brian)
      • Has not met
    3. Joint Advisory Committee on Investment, Licensing, and Naming Rights (Vacant)
      • This committee will be refilled after or next election cycle.
    4. University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (Brian)
      • Has not met
    5. CAPE Awards Committee (Carl)
      • The CAPE award ceremony had to be canceled. Discussions are underway about whether to postpone or present awards remotely.
    6. Procedures and Elections Committee (Brent)
      • CAP elections have been delayed. The call for nominations will hopefully go out this week.
    7. Communications Committee (Maggie)
      • No new information
    8. Grievance Officer (Ann)
      • No report
    9. Outreach Committee (Allie)
      1. Allie reminded us of upcoming speakers
    10. Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws (Mindy)
      • Working on edits and updates to the bylaws. Looking at how to move some of the processes forward given current working arrangements
    11. Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment (Mindy)
      • Putting in a formal request to AP Senators to look at wording before they make it to the board of trustees.
  1. Academic Human Resources Report Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
    1. AP Development funds discussions have been tabled given the COVID-19 priorities. Ellyn suggested a committee be formed to propose a plan.
    2. Family First Legislation: IL HR has been working with system HR, AITS, and other campuses to make change that are needed to implement this act. Effective April 1 through Dec 2020, the act creates some emergency paid sick leave and expands a qualifying situation for use of FMLA. This act and the benefits are in addition to the employer benefits. These are available to all employees, including extra help and academic hourlies. Provides 2 weeks of paid sick leave at regular rate of pay if the employee is unable to work for one of several reasons related to COVID-19. It also makes available paid sick leave at 2/3 of regular rate for those caring for a child or sick relative. This includes pay for those caring for a child because childcare is closed. These are available if the employee is unable to work remotely. We may see greater use once employees return to campus. The act specifically states that the employer can’t dictate order of leave the employee uses. The decision about which leave type to use is made by the employee. More information will be sent out to HR units. There is a good summary on the System Website, under the Leave Tab. Employees can also contact ihr@illinois.edu with specific questions.
    3. HR has temporarily lifted the vacation accrual cap for Civil Service employees during this time. That cap will be reinstated after we go back to campus work and there will be some time afforded employees to use benefits over the cap. Similar measures for APs have not been addressed because APs have until August 15th to use leave. We hope we will return early enough to manage AP balances. If not, HR will address concerns as we get closer to the deadline.
  1. Unfinished Business
    • None
  1. New Business
    • No new business
  1. Adjournment
    • We will decide on format of the May 7 meeting will be made about a week before the meeting.
    • Meeting adjourned at 2:41

Dates and Locations of CAP Monthly Meetings and CAP-Sponsored Events

Date Location Notes and Other Events
May 7, 2020 TBD Speaker: Susan Martinis, Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation
June 4, 2020 August Scheiss, Social Media Director, Public Affairs
July 2, 2020 Michelle Marquart, Program Coordinator, Illinois Conferences and Event Services