November Meeting Minutes

November 2019 Monthly CAP Meeting 
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019 
Time: 1:15 PM 
Location: Illini Union – 314A 

Attendees: Brent West (1), Allie Arp (2), Randal Sandone (2), ), Brandi Barnes (4), Ann Jones (5),  Carl Baker (6), Lisa Merrifield (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Brian Brauer (8), Crystal Zulauf (8), William Schlaack (9), Grant Brewer (9), Nancy Walsh (10), Lisa Bievenue (10), John Scott (11), Jeff Stein (11)

Absent: Rich Greg (1), Mindy Spencer (3), Dustin Yocum (4), Maggie Jarvis (3),  Chantelle Thompson (7),

  1. Call to Order – Call to order at 1:20
  2. Presentation – Sean Garrick, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    1. Overview for the work done by the diversity and inclusion office at Illinois.
    2. Dr. Garrick summarized with the following goals.
      Ensuring access for all on campus
      Using the University to spark economic development, especially in underserved communities
      Improving collaboration across campus
      Fostering inclusion – how do we make sure serve everyone.
      Creating synergy
  3. Public Comment
    No public comment
  4. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes
    Carl motioned to approve. Jeff seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
  5. Chair’s Remarks
    Brian expressed gratitude for Brent stepping in as chair and for people participating.
    It is an exciting time to be a member of CAP. Engaging and shaping campus.
  6. Announcements
    1. Welcome Chrystal from District 8.
    2. We have a full slate of representatives!
    3. National Collegiate EMS Foundation Week – Next week. Great opportunity to learn hands only CPR on the Quad and other opportunities.
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Academic Professional Senators (Lisa B., et al)
      Sent out minutes.
      Passed the resolution on academic freedom that includes APs.
    2. Senate, Campus, and University Committees
      Special Events Advisory Committee (SEAC) (Brian)
      New committee – This committee has been tasks with a process for who to consult for various kinds of events and criteria for unit level decision and what requires higher approval. The committee is slated for 12 months.
    3. Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) (Brian)
      There is an opening for someone to host the lighting committee. Twice a year, the lighting committee walks across campus in the dark and make sure the lighting is adequate. Members also give input on sidewalks and other hazards.
    4. Senate Executive Committee (SEC) (Brian)
      This committee meets twice a month to prepare for the Senate meetings. It has just been codified that the CAP vice chair can attend and vote when chair can’t be there. We are the only designated voice for APs. Brian sent out a copy of the coming agenda.
      The committee is looking for feedback on the report on sexual harassment. Mindy sent out an email about this. The Chancellor is committed to a climate of tolerance.
      The campus Vice Chancellors are up for their review. They will be attending the next senate meeting. This is a good networking opportunity and chance to raise concerns in a less formal setting.
      A resolution has been brought forward by students criticizing the Chancellor’s email about the incident at Allen Hall.
    5. Senate (Lisa B.) SP17.12
      A resolution on academic freedom has just been passed and APs are included in the language.
    6. Faculty and Academic Staff Benefits (Brent)
      Meeting in October
      SURs self-managed plan is changing vendors. Benefit is related to annuity.
      Wellness station in Union to take BP and weight. In the east hallway.
    7. Public Engagement and Outreach (Lisa B.)
      Have not met since Lisa joined.
    8. University Statutes and Senate Procedures (Brent/Jeff)
      Almost 20 items under consideration. That is the number considered in all of last year.
      All committees are reviewing by-laws.
      Not a whole lot of major substance with specific AP substance. Have added APs to committees that had AP relevance.
      SC.20.04 – References CAP as professional advisory committee rather than by name.
      SP.20.05 – Revision of educational by-laws. Programmatic changes sometimes go public before fully vetted. The guidelines may be changed to something more similar to UIC’s.
      Naming rights procedure may be added to CAM.
      University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee (Brian)
      Meet quarterly.
      A subcommittee on benchmarking is looking at how AP positions on this campus compare to other peer campuses. Call later this month.
      Looking at how CAP counterpart are funded and organized on the UIC and UIS campuses.
    9. CAPE Awards Committee (Carl)
      -Will meet as a full committee on November 14, Jan 9 and Feb 13.
      -15 nominations currently submitted. Closing is tomorrow. Deadline could be extended if there are not sufficient submissions. Want an adequate representation.  Average number of nominations is between 35 and 50.
      April 7 at the I Hotel is awards banquet.
      -CAP approves requesting that Elyne asks the Chancellor to extend to November 22. Allie will work with Carl to help get the word out about the extension.
      -Action steps:
      –Brian will draft the email that goes out to CAP with the ask that we share with our districts
      –Ask Communication Committee to share on EWeek.
      –Brian suggested we look at the process and triggers based on applications and set some general guidelines.
    10. Procedures and Elections Committee (Brent)
      There are no vacancies
      Brent sent out list of everyone’s roles. Let Brent know if there are changes.
    11. Communications Committee (Maggie)
      No action
    12. Grievance Officer (Ann)
      We will have a closed session.
    13. Outreach Committee (Lisa M/John)
      The All Employee Expo went smoothly. The outreach committee will draft some recommendations for future years.
      Elyne mentioned that in past years, CAP offered to do headshots for employees.
    14. Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment (Mindy)
      Mindy asked that we take a look at CAM policy on harassment. Brian will forward an email from Mindy to request we give comment.
    15. Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws (Mindy)
      The committee has not met, but a meeting will be scheduled in December.
    16. Ad-Hoc Committee for APDF Distribution (Lisa B.)
      The committee has not met.
      So far we have 83 applications for a total of $53K that has been committed to today. 8 take place after January 1.
      We do need to make plans for how to structure the funds for next year.
  8. Academic Human Resources Report     Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
    -Conversion of positions from AP to CS – Did HR first. Will do business second.
    -Brian will ask HR to provide more definitive numbers on the conversion rate for positions at the next meeting.
    Staff advisory council – CAP is exploring a meeting with the SAC, serving Civil Service employees,  to explore common interests and see if there is some synergy and benefit from sharing ideas. Exploratory.
    -Brent brought up a question from the All Employee’s Expo about tuition waivers: If the program is cost recovery or self-supporting, the tuition waiver can’t be offered. More classes will be online by not tuition free. Once in on campus program can take some online classes. Most online programs are cost recovery.
    -Civil service and AP difference – Civil service tuition waiver can be used at any 4 year institutions. But APs have to be used at University of IL systems.
    -Director of financial aid should be the contact if this doesn’t answer all the questions.
  9. Unfinished Business
  10. New Business
    January meeting is scheduled for January 2. We have concern about whether or not we will have a quorum. Brian will poll members and recommend moving the meeting back a week if we do not have a quorum on January 2.
    There is a big 10 Academic Alliance that is a group of similar CAP like structures. Brent and Brian will reach out for more information and to see if we should reactivate.
  11. Closed Session IS expected
    Closed session held.

    1. In open session, the committee voted on the following motion with respect to grievance # 20190531 – CAP accepts the preliminary report as presented by the grievance committee with technical edits and approves communicating the report findings to the appropriate parties.
      Ann motioned to approve. William seconded.  CAP unanimously approved the motion. Brent obtained. John wasn’t present for the vote.
  12. Adjournment – 4:07 pm