October Meeting Minutes

October 2019 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: ThursdayOctober 3, 2019
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Illini Union – 314A 

Attendance: Brent West (1), Allie Arp (2), Maggie Jarvis (3), Dustin Yocum (4), Carl Baker (6), Lisa Merrifield (6), Betoel Escobar (7), William Schlaack (9), Grant Brewer (9), Lisa Bievenue (10), Nancy Walsh (10), John Scott (11) 

Excuse absence: Rich Greg (1), Randal Sandone (2), Mindy Spencer (3), Brandi Barnes (4), Ann Jones (5), Chantelle Thompson (7), Brian Brauer (8), Jeff Stein (11) 


  1. Call to Order  

Brent called to order at 1:18 

  1. Presentation – Disability Ally Training, Lindsay Haltz, DRES 

Lindsay Haltz, DRES, does career services for students with disabilities.  U of I is leading in this area. Sees U of I as one of the potential employers.  


  • Defining disability 
  • What it looks like on campus 
  • Most students with disabilities have disabilities that are not visible 
  • Lindsay is a resource for APs and faculty who have questions 
  • Symptoms of disability 
  • Wide variety  
  • Disclosure and accommodations 
  • Job accommodation network is a good resource 
  • Don’t want to change essential function of a job, but can accommodate many jobs reasonably with things like schedules, written instructions, etc…  
  • Resources 
  • Benefits to hiring individuals with disabilities. Diversity creates innovation. Diversity is one avenue to get that. Students with disabilities tend to have higher emotional intelligence than peers. 
  • Ally training – December 3rd 
  • Will do presentations 
  • Form available with more resources and opportunities 


  1. Public Comment 

No public comments 

  1. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes 

Carl moved to approve. John seconded. Approved. 

  1. Chair’s Remarks 

Information on UI Ride service between Urbana and Chicago has launched.  

  1. Announcements 

No announcements 

  1. Committee Reports 
  • Academic Professional Senators (Lisa B., et al) 
  1. Discussion about sexual harassment and Allen Hall incident and whether or not the University is acting swiftly enough. A lot of concern around sexual harassment and how status at the University might impact the consequences. Policy is being developed.  
  1. By Law language 
  1. Notes are available from Brian 
  1. Question: should we more proactively approach senators about attending meetings and sharing information. CAP agreed we should look into it. 
  • Senate, Campus, and University Committees 
  1. Senate Executive Committee: Update from Chair Rob Kar: Senate Executive Committee (SEC) is moving forward on recommendations from last year’s committee; one in particular will be moving more slowly than others (Maintaining Balance of committee members).  There were no issues r/t the increase in AP representation in the Senate. 


Update from Chancellor Jones: 

  1. Recent sexual assault claims- some claims in reports were omitted and/or taken out of context and ended up providing incomplete information.  UIUC has added 4 staff members to be available to investigate complaints and have also added resources for investigators and survivors.  “We are reviewing our disciplinary policy to act more swiftly and more strongly in events of misconduct.”
  2. Noose in residence hall.  Considering violations of student code as well as criminal charges to determine the appropriatedisciplinary course of action.  Individual is banned from campus.


A senate member shared that they were upset because social media provided information faster than the campus channels.  Chancellor Jones addressed this delay by sharing that “Social media and news can get the information about quickly; we as a university wanted to get the information out correctly.” 


  1. Largest first-year class in the history of the University.  We broke 50K for the first time, with an enrollment of over 51K.  A senator had a question about Illinois Commitment and Illinois Promise- these programs have had an impact on access to college for low SES students and minority students.  Chancellor Jones: “The true impact will take 4 years to compile.”


  1. The Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee has not met as a whole since the summer, but there has been a fair amount of behind-the-scenes progress. The Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee has not met as a whole since the summer, but there has been a fair amount of behind-the-scenes progress. The TEDAC has been authorized to hire an FTE to focus on employee training and development in the two topics above. The next full meeting is 11/21.   


  • University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee 
  1. The next UPPAC meeting is a call on 11/18/2019.  A focus of the committee this year will be continuing to benchmark our campuses against our peer organizations based on US News and World Report data.  A second focus will be on capturing the difference governance structures on the three campuses (Universities). 
  1. Benchmark committee met in September. The group is looking at AP governance, professional development, promotion and retention at peer institutions (by campus) and will formulate recommendations for our campus system.  


  • Statues and senate procedures 
  1. Not much note for APs 


  • Public engagement and outreach committee 
  1. There may be an AP vacancy. It will be filled by Senate. If interested, reach out to Senate.  
  • CAPE Awards Committee (Carl) 
  1. Call for self-nominations to serve on the committee out there. Will extend deadline.  
  1. Award nomination window will open on Monday.  
  1. HR noted that award programs are based on usage. It is important for CAP to help to spread the word.  
  1. We will send out a request for nominations on October 10. The chancellor’s email will go out on Monday. One email will go out to all APs. If we have districts that aren’t represented, individual officers will reach out to those districts.  
  • Procedures and Elections Committee (Brent) 
  1. Vacancy in district 8. Nomination will be voted on in closed session. 
  • Communications Committee (Maggie) 
  1. We all have access to our district email list via Webtools 
  1. Will be working out documentation for CAP communication 
  • Grievance Officer (Ann) 
  1. No update. One grievance in progress. 
  • Outreach Committee (John) 
  1. All Employee Expo – will looking for CAP members to sign up to staff the table.  
  1. We are still working on a speaker for November. December’s speaker will be Eric Minor, Director of Marketing 
  1. John suggested including vacancies with the agenda that go to all APs so that all APs know about accommodations 
  1. John is also thinking about incentives for serving on CAP or other committees. Suggested sending a letter to people’s supervisor or directors thanking that person for their service. John will draft a letter. The goal will be to send out at the beginning of the year.  
  • Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment (Mindy) 
  1. Mindy sent out information. Meeting with Rob Kar, chair of senate executive committee. He will share information discussed. Trying to form a process for faculty first and then adjust for APs.  


  • Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws (Mindy) 
  1. Double checking who involved – Allie and Escobar will help. Meeting to be scheduled 


  • Ad-Hoc Committee for APDF Distribution (Lisa B.) 
  1. Haven’t met. The committee is complete until the end of the year. 
  1. Outstanding issue  
  1. We have the ability to award funds in a way as to not spend the funds all at once. The Chancellor has approved. 
  1. We will make an announcement again in January. We will make an announcement about the change in procedure well before the next application period. 
  1. Other ideas we may consider: 
  1. Have distinct application periods (one fall and one spring for that portion of the funds) 
  1. To show benefit and value, consider requesting feedback from the recipients and perhaps the department that would provide testimonial about what it lets them do.  


  1. Academic Human Resources Report     Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources 

               –  All employee expo is coming and we will participate. 

—  Minimum wage changes –Will not have major impact most of our employees. Students will be impacted. Some units may need to reassess student employees. We are planning in advance for any changes.  

— Conversion of positions: HR functional area has been reviewed. This did not result in a massive conversion. 28% of positions with people in them will be transitioned from AP to civil service. The HR office is meeting with employees one on one to talk about what would happen and when. Notice rights will be adhered to. Will be reviewing business next. 550 people are in these job classes. Expect more positions to change because there are more civil service job classes for business functions. 

— Know your University: Departments have started events with staff. Initiated through the President’s office. Implemented on each campus. Have come up with an application and tracking mechanism. Up to 8 hours/year. Seems popular but not much feedback yet. President has asked HR to keep records.  

  1. Unfinished Business 

No unfinished business 

  1. New Business 
  • CAP district vacancy appointment — discussed 
  • Committee vacancies — discussed 
  • All Employees Expo – Give aways for the expo has been provided by HR 
  1. For display – 2018 CAPE award winners? 
  1. HR will have CAPE info.  
  • CAP budget  Chicago has a budget for a GA and refreshments. HR is our conduit for those kinds of things. Staffing is a different kind of commitment. Lisa will look at what we have in the box and we will make a request to HR for supplies.  
  1. Closed Session as needed 
  • Vote on District 8 
  1. Adjournment 
  • Adjourn at 3:20