July 2019 Monthly CAP Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2019
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Illini Union – 210
In attendance: Brent West (1), Mindy Spencer (3), Maggie Jarvis (3), Brandi Barnes (4), Ann Jones (5), Lisa Merrifield (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Brian Brauer (8), Victoria Huart (8), Grant Brewer (9), William Schlaack (9), Nancy Walsh (10), John Scott (11) , Jeff Stein (11)
Excused absence: Chantelle Thompson (7), Carl Baker (6)
Absent without contact: Richard Gegg (1), Randy Sandone (2), Charlie Mitsdarfer (5), Lisa Bievenue (10)
- Call to Order
Brian Brauer called the meeting to order at 1:15 - Guest Speaker – None
- Public Comment
No public comment - Chair’s Remarks
If not able to attend, email Brian and copy Lisa. Two consecutive absences without contacting officers will result in removal from office and new elections for that district representative will be held.
All CAP members are encouraged to serve in the district role and join one of the committee. We CAP representatives are also encouraged to reach out to others in our regions. - Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes
Motion to approve with correction of date from June to July at the end– Jeff Stein mentioned. William Schlaack 2nd - Announcements
None - Committee Reports
- Academic Professional Senator
None - Senate, Campus, and University Committees
- USSP – Jeff — none. On summer hiatus.
- F/S Benefits – Open
- SEC – Brian: Next Meeting 7/29
- Senate Committee on Public Engagement – Update next month.
- Public Safety advisory Committee – Brian is a representative. University is adding motorized bikes to the Veobike program this fall. The committee will be looking at safety and comments can be sent to Brian.
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee
- Next meeting in July.
- HR Committee
- Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee (TEDAC) – Open
- CAPE Awards Committee- Carl is the chair
- Vice Chair- Open – want to fill this committee sooN
- Procedures and Elections Committee
- Open – Two positions have turned over. Chaired by the Vice Chair (Brent). Brian and Jeff Stein outlined duties.
Brandi Barnes
Nancy West
- Open – Two positions have turned over. Chaired by the Vice Chair (Brent). Brian and Jeff Stein outlined duties.
- Communications Committee
- Maggie – The new website will be live sometime next week.
- ADPF email will go out to announce the 2019 application cycle.
- Grievance Officer
- Will have a closed session in August.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment
- Mindy – no updates
- Ad-hoc committee for APDF Distribution
- John Scott reported: Two potential options for discussion and vote. Will continue to monitor the data. There is concern about additional burden on HR and want to monitor equal distribution across districts for future discussion. The committee is hungry for data. The long term goal is equity across time period and equity across districts.
- Pilot program – Quarterly distribution, if funds are not fully used in one quarter the funds roll over. Applicants can apply at any time, must specify in which quarter the event occurs. Application form is always open and award are made pending availability. If people are eligible, first come first serve for the quarter. Can adjust allocation based on data. Maximize equality
- Continue the status quo.
- Jeff Stein moves that we recommend the pilot approach outlined in #1. John Scott seconds.
- Request to amend the motion from quarters to ½ years periods. Ann Jones motions, William Schlaak seconds. Jeff and John support the amendment to the motion.
- Amendment — Unanimously approved.
- Vote on motion as amended – Unanimously approved.
- John Scott reported: Two potential options for discussion and vote. Will continue to monitor the data. There is concern about additional burden on HR and want to monitor equal distribution across districts for future discussion. The committee is hungry for data. The long term goal is equity across time period and equity across districts.
- Academic Professional Senator
- Academic Human Resources Report Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
Status of civil service exemption process. Still moving forward. Doing functional reviews as part of the triennial audit. All positions reviewed in 3 year period. Chosen to do by function to look at all in class of positions. Also allows look at pay equity by function. Want to work on that piece over time. Have finished up on HR related positions. Will be making final decisions. Will be IT or Business. The Civil Service system will schedule a visit after Jan 2020.
HR has received positive reports are for the revised Civil Service hiring system. The system is designed to give departments more flexibility and candidates and to more closely mirror AP process.
Question about promotional tracks so people feel like they can stay within a unit rather than moving. HR is looking at creating promotional lines. Departments have asked about that individually. Some units do that. HR works with units but does not dictate the process.
Question about processes and by-laws so that the process is documented. What is HRs role in the closed session?
- CAP’s role – to decide whether procedure is followed. CAP does not decide about the judgement or subjective. HR people are to be present to make sure we stay within the framework.
- HRs role is to make sure we are staying within the policy and our scope of CAP.
- Suggested providing documentation of policies and procedures.
- Unfinished Business
None - New Business
Committee – self nominations today. The Election Committee will follow up.
- By Laws Review Committee (4 Members)
- Jeff Stein – the bylaws were updated 4 years ago.
- Brian – some positions are not outlined in by-laws.
- Volunteers
- Mindy
- Betoel
- Looking for a chair
- ACTION ITEMS: Election committee will try to find a chair and fill this committee
- By Laws Review Committee (4 Members)
- CAP outreach committee – outreach script and schedule who are having events or doing meet and greets and to help identify speakers for all meetings.
- Lisa Merrifield
- Victoria
- John
- CAP outreach committee – outreach script and schedule who are having events or doing meet and greets and to help identify speakers for all meetings.
- All Employee Expo Committee –
- Closed Session as needed
No closed session today. - Adjournment
Elyne: When administration changes, sometimes expectations change or organizational form needs to change, HR policy is two years of unsatisfactory evaluations. But how do we create a policy that is fair to both new administrators and employees. No specific recommendations for CAP. Just something to think about.
Meeting adjourned at 2:41.