June 2019 Monthly CAP Meeting
Date: Thursday, June 6, 2019
Time: 1:15 PM
Location: Illini Union – 314A
In Attendance: Brent West (1), Mindy Spencer (3), Maggie Jarvis (3), Ann Jones (5), Lisa Merrifield (6), Brian Brauer (8),
Attendees: Richard Gegg (1), Brandi Barnes (4), Carl Baker (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Chantelle Thompson (7), Victoria Huart (8), William Schlaack (9), Nancy Walsh (10), Lisa Bievenue (10), John Scott (11) , Jeff Stein (11) Randy Sandone (2), Charlie Mitsdarfer (5), Grant Brewer (9)
- Call to Order
Amy Hovious called the meeting to order at 1:17. - Guest Speaker – President Tim Killeen
- President Killeen stated by thanking the committee for all we do.
- President Killeen feels the University has weather the budget impasse well and is rebounding.
- We have built a large advocacy system and network. Killeen encourage all of us to write to our representatives about and “talk the University” up when and where we can.
- The new state appropriation was signed yesterday and is the largest increase percentwise in two decades.
- Capital improvements and deferred maintenance are being scheduled. 340 projects over the next 10 years. Need to raise $4B, in part through philanthropy. Chicago classrooms are classrooms of the future.
- Discovery Partners Institute has another year of funding. The hub is in Chicago, but all public universities in the state have signed on. Business and international partners are also joining. Testing a new land grant model connecting the University to private sector and society.
- The University has formulated a legislative agenda that includes procurement relief.
- We have been increasing enrollment every year for the last 6 years. On track to reach goal next year. Just graduate 22K students. Freshman applications are up by double digits. 5th year of frozen tuition. We are growing financial aid. MAP funding is increased in state budget, too.
- We are now recruiting faculty. Need to recruit 900 facility. ½ to replace retirements or departures and ½ net new to address increased student population. A 3 year initiative – Presidents Distinguished Faculty Recruitment Program – is trying to attract distinguished faculty. 16 of 19 offers have been accepted. Faculty from all fields.
- The University System is working on marketing and branding. There will be busses going back and forth to Chicago.
- Last year was biggest year for philanthropy. $498M in gifts raised last year. Alumni and public stakeholders are giving back. We are on track to achieve the same this year.
- Leadership program – new program launched for APs. Want 20 APs to go through a leadership cohort each year.
- Looking at a few years of stability in state funding and increasing prominence and stable, permanent leaders.
There has been a needs assessment for faculty, but have done the same for APs and Civil Service?
Killeen: The University System has been looking at that, but have not done it formally. Rely a lot on Universities and Deans. Those decisions will be made on by individual programs. We have done it for the System. We are down several hundred. Are in a process of staffing up.
DPI, naturally focused on faculty and engagement and with students. How do APs become more involved?
Killeen: Kileen urges interested APs to know what is going on and sign up for appropriate expert group. Easy to engage. Probably more difficult to inform the design. Will be a different kind of set up. 4 DPI directors have just been hired, one for engagement. Will be an opportunity for APs to help connect to external partners. DPI is the reinvention of the land grant model. The Extension service on steroids. Please be interested and learn about it.
- Public Comment
No public comments
- Chair’s Remarks
- This was Amy’s last meeting as chair and as a CAP member. Amy has enjoyed her time with CAP and greatly appreciates the partnership and commitment of CAP members. Officer elections were held after Amy’s remarks and the new chair took over.
- CAP Officer Election
- Chair – Jeff Stein nominate Brian Brauer as Chair of CAP. Brian accepts the nomination. Unanimously approved.
- Vice Chair — Brent West self-nominated. No other nominations. Jeff Stein moved to elect Brent. Richard Gegg 2nd. Unanimously approved.
- Secretary – Lisa M self-nomination. No other nominations. – Chantelle Thompson moved to elect Lisa, Jeff Stein 2nd. Unanimously approved.
- Grievance officer – Ann Jones self-nominated. No other nominations. –Carl Baker moved to elect Ann. Jeff Stein 2nd. Unanimously approved.
- Assistant Grievance officer – William Schlaak self-nomination. No other nominations. Motion and 2nd Unanimously approved.
- Member at large – Mindy Spencer self-nominated. No other nominations – Brian Brauer moved to elect Mindy, Jeff Stein 2nd. Unanimously approved.
- Communication officer – Maggie Jarvis self nominated. No other nominations. Carl Baker moved to elect Mindy. Jeff Stein 2nd. Unanimously approved.
Brian Brauer facilitated the remainder of the meeting.
- Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes
Motion to approve – Rich Gegg moved to approve the minutes, Jeff Stein 2nd . Unanimously approved
- Announcements
95th annual Fire College Open House is upcoming. There are still spaces if want to participate.CAPE awards Updates: 39 submitted, 12 semifinalists and 6 finalists. This is close to past years. - Committee Reports
- Academic Professional Senators
No update - Senate, Campus, and University Committees
- Academic Professional Senators
- Faculty staff benefits – No updates
- Public engagement – No updates
- UPAC – No updates from Amy. Next meeting in July.
- TECA Committee – No updates
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee
USSP – Jeff. In summer recess. Nothing high profile for APS
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee
- HR – Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee (TEDAC)
- CAPE Awards Committee
Need a co-chair. That person will be the chair next year. Great group to work with and once hear the applicants and work they do, an honor. Tough process, but rewarding.
- CAPE Awards Committee
- Procedures and Elections Committee
Vacancy for region 2. No self-nominations. Will keep working on recruitment.
- Procedures and Elections Committee
- Communications Committee
Will send the website to HR for final approval and then within the next month switch it over. Will put in front of the group one more time shortly. Hopefully by next month have it set.
- Communications Committee
- Grievance Officer
This is Chantelle’s last meeting. We will have a grievance hearing during the closed session. If accepted, that person will work with Anne going forward. Will also be doing grievance training
- Grievance Officer
- Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment
Mindy – no updates. A meeting occurred but Mindy not available
- Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment
- Ad-Hoc Committee for APDF Distribution
Met and talked about new questions and adding a follow up response. The recommendations have been sent to Theresa Harvey in HR office.
- Ad-Hoc Committee for APDF Distribution
- Academic Human Resources Report Senior Associate Chancellor for Human Resources
Elyne Cole report to CAP.
- AP Development Fund – Elyne is working with the Chancellor to make sure we have continued funding and can start taking applications now. Elyne brought dividing funds by quarter so that employees have access to fund throughout the year.
- Motion was approved: We want the APDF application process opened ASAP contingent on funds being available. And the ad-hoc committee will work with Elyne and HR to collect data and revise the process as needed.
- Brian Brauer will summarize CAPS position in writing for Elyne to share with the Chancellor.
- The Ad Hoc Committee membership will change a little bit due to elections and work schedule. Lisa Bievenue will take over as the chair. Other members include: John Scott, Nancy West, and Betoel Escobar. Maggie Jarvis will consider messaging. The committee will continue to evaluate and work with HR to make sure the appropriate distribution of funds.
- HR will consider procedures for awardees in AP-Civil Service transitions and who change positions after receiving an award.
- Know Your University Program – will roll out in August. This program will allow employees up to 8 hours per year, with 2 hours at a time to participate in activities, tours, workshops, etc… in other units at a means for better understanding what is happening across campus. There will be a website detailing opportunities and a process for tracking how people are using the benefit.
- ACTION ITEM: HR requests that CAP help publicize. Chantelle will serve as the primary CAP contact.
- Legalization of Cannabis – The Governor is expected to sign a bill to legalize recreational use of cannibus beginning January 2020. University policy will not change. The campus is smoke and drug free. Employees may not come to work impaired.
- Unfinished Business
None - New Business
- Grievance Training
Chantelle provided grievance training.
- Closed Session (Grievance)
A grievance hearing was held.
- Adjournment
ACTION ITEM Brian will send out a doodle poll to reschedule the July 4 meeting.
Adjourn at 3:55.
- New Member Orientation
- Will be conducted on an individual basis at another time. Micah Kenfield will coordinate with new members.