Minutes for December 2018 Monthly CAP Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2018, 1:15 PM | 314A Illini Union
Attendees: Richard Gegg (1), Brent West (1), Amy Hovious (2), Randy Sandone (2), Leslie Vermillion (3), Maggie Jarvis (3), Andrew Reynolds (4), Micah Kenfield (4), Mindy Spencer (5), Ann Jones (5), Lisa Merrifield (6), Carl Baker (6), Chantelle Thompson (7), Victoria Huart (8), Brian Brauer (8), George Gottschalk (9), Nancy Walsh (10), John Scott (11)
Excused Absences: Becky Ferrell (9), Jeff Stein (11)
- Call to Order
- Meeting called to order at 1:15 PM
- Public Comment
- No public comment this week.
- Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes
- Carl Baker moved; Ann Jones seconded. Approved with no dissent.
- Chair’s Remarks
- There are two elections to occur during closed session today.
- The chancellor cancelled his visit to CAP on January 3rd.
- There will be guest speakers to talk about SURSMAC and SUAA at the February meeting.
- The March meeting will tentatively feature information about professional development resources on campus.
- Andrew Reynolds will be leaving the Council of Academic Professionals due to taking a position in another district. He will be deeply and thoroughly missed for his many contributions and ebullient personality.
- Chair Hovious has requested that HR clarify which potential changes during the position reclassification process come from SUCS versus which come from campus policies and procedures.
- Announcements
- Committee Reports
- CAPE Awards Committee
- There are 12 semi-finalists. There has been a call to the nominators for three additional letters of support for each of the candidates. In January, the field will be narrowed to 6 for final consideration by the Chancellor.
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee
- UPPAC met in November. Items discussed included AP Morale (and ways to improve it), HR updates on the Academic Leadership Program, and Employee Release Time. Toward the latter issue, there will be an expansion of employee release time to allow employees to take up to eight hours per year (subject to managerial approval) to tour campus attractions and opportunities.
- Academic Professional Senators
- No updates.
- Senate, Campus, and University Committees
- Jeff Stein submitted a written report in advance for USSP. There has been a request made to the Senate Review Commission to consider expanding AP representation on certain senate committees.
- Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee
- Becky Ferrell submitted updates in advance of the meeting.
- CAPE Awards Committee
- Senate Committee on Public Engagement
- Chantelle Thompson reported that the current chair of this committee is very active and has begun the process of looking at what current public engagement is and how it may eventually impact promotion and tenure.
- U of I Extension is a model to observe for this.
- Procedures and Elections Committee
- Becky Ferrell submitted this in advance of the meeting.
- Communications Committee
- There will be a larger report next meeting; as of now, priorities are updating the website and expanding resources linking to HR and their FAQs.
- Grievance Officer
- No update.
- Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment
- Richard Gegg has begun the process of developing some feedback to lay the groundwork for meeting as a group for the first time.
- HR Committee
- Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee (TEDAC)
- Chair Hovious is part of a new committee with the mission of evaluating what kinds of professional development exists on campus and how to expand those offerings moving forward.
- The first meeting was today; future meetings will be on a monthly basis.
- Academic Human Resources Report
- Nichole Hemming attended the meeting on behalf of HR.
- 8 applicants were approved for the Academic Professional Development Fund. Seven were for $750; one was for $500. Please continue to encourage your district representatives to participate in this.
- Training and Employee Development Advisory Committee (TEDAC)
- Unfinished Business
- No unfinished business from last meeting.
- New Business
- January’s Meeting
- This falls on January 3rd, which is an inopportune time for the majority of members.
- If it is possible to be rescheduled to January 10th, this will be the new date for the next meeting.
- January’s Meeting
- Closed Session
- Meeting went into closed session to discuss the election of two new representatives.
- Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned at 1:36 PM
Dates and Locations of CAP Monthly Meetings and CAP-Sponsored Events
Date | Location | Notes and Other Events |
December 6, 2018 | 314A Illini Union | |
January 3, 2019 | 314A Illini Union | |
February 7, 2019 | 314A Illini Union | |