Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, November 3, 2016, 314A Illini Union
Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman
Attendees: Richard Gegg (1), Kristina Miller (1), Jenny Ehrnthaller (2), Amy Hovious (2), Shawna Naidu (3), Andrew Reynolds (4), Rick Atterberry (5), Teresa Steckler (6), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tanisha King-Taylor (7), Tracy Parish (8), Mindy Spencer (8), Rebecca Ferrell (9), Richard Stokes (9), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Beth Hall (11), Jeff Stein (11), Elyne Cole (ex-officio)
- Call to Order – Chair Jeff Stein called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
- Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Amy Hovious made a motion to approve, and Elizabeth Wahle seconded; motion passed.
- Public Comment – None.
- Chair’s Comments – Jeff noted that Mindy Spencer was resigning the following week since she is changing jobs, and therefore districts. A new Communications Officer will need to be elected, and Mindy will still serve on the Communications Committee.
Jeff updated on a meeting with Jami Painter, Jeff, Rich Gegg, and Rick Atterberry related to comments made about notice rights by Maureen Park and President Killeen in July 2016. Clarification was provided about notice rights being examined in terms of how the issue is handled by a variety of institutions. A matrix of information was put together, with nothing happening on this front since February 2016. Jeff noted that he feels that three things came of the meeting: 1) that no movement on this issue is being made by administrators, nor are there any plans to move on this issue, 2) the meeting opened up dialogue, and 3) a commitment to engage CAP has been expressed. It was asked if CAP could view the matrix, which will be looking into. Rick noted that it was noted in the meeting that this issue cannot be looked at in a vacuum, but as a part of an entire benefits package: some institutions fund children’s tuition 100%, some provide multi-year contracts, some shut down over holiday breaks and do not charge leave time, and some pay all insurance costs.
- Announcements – None.
- Committee Reports:
CAPE Awards Committee – Kristina Miller said there will be a meeting the following Monday, with all 11 nominated committee member able to serve. There were 50 nominations for the awards, and eligibility analysis will follow. The committee members get a month to review and rate the (up to) 50 nominations, and then there will be a round 2 review of the determined 12 finalists, after 3 letters of recommendation are also reviewed. The committee recommends 6 awardees to the Chancellor for approval. CAP will need to get a meeting room close to the April event.
University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee –The next UPPAC meeting is 11/14/16.
Academic Professional Senators – Rick noted the previous Senate meeting was very short, with only an Enrollment Management presentation, which didn’t mention the latest admissions changes for this year. Faculty who were not on campus for the health care updates have asked for a new Town Hall Meeting
Senate, Campus, and University Committees – Elizabeth Rockman updated that the Faculty Staff Assistance Program has provided more update to their upcoming on-line resources web service, and when that is closer to going live, CAP may host a presentation.
Procedures and Elections Committee – There will be elections for a CAP representative in District 8, and for an AP on the newly-formed Elections and Credentials Committee.
Communications Committee – Mindy noted that she, Amy Hovious, and Andrew Reynolds have been very busy updating web contacts and resources, and that a Chair letter is needed. Discussion ensued about branding, surveying AP’s, and what sorts of things should be communicated (and how); also, brown-bags will be reinitiated, and live-streaming will be looked at. For interim communications, it is being considered to bullet-point what has been covered in meetings (with minutes to be linked after approval). Resources were mentioned related to ATLAS, CITL, Skype, SharePoint, and/or graduate students assisting with live-streaming meetings.
Grievance Officer – Tanisha King-Taylor has no report, but there are lots of communications coming from a couple districts; there will be more to follow at the December meeting.
- Employee Expo Update – Amy said that the Expo went really well, and that she has all the materials and giveaways. She will bring the sticky-noted questions to the next CAP meeting, and add applicable ones to the list for the Provost.
- Academic Human Resources Report – Elyne Cole said that the Chancellor and the Provost are looking at the sustainability the overall budget (award amount, reception costs) of all awards programs, including CAPE Awards (CAPE will go forward this year). (The APDF has been suspended indefinitely, but not eliminated.) Possibly awards programs will continue, but at a reduced amount to the recipient and/or department. Generally concern was expressed about the removal of recognition programs at a time that benefits are being reduced and work being added. Elyne will check on the status of these conversations and give CAP the possibility of responding in a proactive formalized way.
Rick asked for more context on FLSA issues. He noted a lots of concerns from individuals in his area, including communications, reporting, and morale. Deb Stone provided clarifications related to the 2 factors related to the FLSA changes, which are the salary change to a $47,476 minimum and the issue of teaching. It was asked if the published guidelines were changed in campus policies, and that is happening. Individuals are still considered to be professional, just over-time eligible, and there are some differences related to over-time and leave reporting. Issues related to on-call needs related to over-time were discussed, and that is still being addressed, and should be finalized by 11/28/16. Cost issues were brought up, and Elyne noted that the federal contact on this admitted that there are unfunded costs due to these changes; she also noted that the Deans were given the purview of how to address the costs of salary changes versus the overtime. Elizabeth expressed the concern that managers expectations may be difficult to navigate, particularly if they are unable to approve overtime but expect the same work output, keeping in mind that employees must be treated fairly because they are not allowed to do more work without additional recompense. Rick noted there is also a much greater burden on those who are past the salary threshold, as those individuals will be expected to do the work that the others are not funded to do. Elyne clarified that the intent is not to devalue workers, but to provide consistency. Jeff expressed gratitude to AHR for implementing the federal rule consistently, even if individual units’ decisions may not be perceived to be consistent with each other.
- Unfinished Business – Redistricting is still underway.
- New Business – Elizabeth noted that the 2FA communications are not perceived as consistent in their messages, and that there is generalized confusion due to that.
Mary Barker was elected to the Senate Committee on Elections and Credentials, and Chantelle Thompson was elected to fill out the District 8 CAP term.
- Closed Session – Closed session was held for discussion of the above-noted elections.
- Adjournment – Tanisha made the motion to adjourn, and Rebecca Ferrell seconded; motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.