Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, October 5, 2016, 314A Illini Union
Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman
Attendees: Kristina Miller (1), Jenny Ehrnthaller (2), Amy Hovious (2), Todd Spinner (3), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tanisha King-Taylor (7), Tracy Parish (8), Mindy Spencer (8), Rebecca Ferrell (9), Richard Stokes (9), Ravi Ramrattan (10), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Elyne Cole (ex-officio)
- Call to Order – Vice Chair Tracy Parish called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
- Michelle Wahl, Director of Campus Parking: Brian Farber, also of OVCSA, joined Michelle Wahl, and they discussed the following:
- Parking Master Plan as proposed by Walker Parking Consultants, related to additional structures and renovation.
- Generally parking structures only last 15-20 years, and maintenance is more as they age.
- Disability access was addressed with regard to having to pay more.
- It is hoped to keep costs level as health care costs grow with no raises; it has been discussed to move everyone to the periphery of campus.
- Charging by percentage of salary is unique, and is a bargaining issue.
- Technology will be upgraded soon.
- Ultimate goal to replace cash key, which is no longer supported.
- Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Elizabeth Wahle made a motion to approve, and Rich Gegg seconded; motion passed.
- Public Comment – None.
- Chair’s Comments – Vice Chair Tracy Parish noted that he had no comments from Chair Jeff Stein.
- Announcements – None.
Committee Reports:
- CAPE Awards Committee – Kristina Miller said the Selection Committee to be notified, after which confirmation that individuals can participate, non-selected individuals will be notified. There will be a poster at the Expo.
- University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee – No report.
- Academic Professional Senators – No report.
- Senate, Campus, and University Committees – Senate Committee for Public Engagement has still not met.
- Procedures and Elections Committee – There will be elections for District 3 for an AP Senator and for a CAP representative in District 4.
- Communications Committee – Amy Hovious reported they had met a few weeks ago, with several great ideas resulting (e-mails lists for each district, updating the website). Kristina mentioned e-mail lists need updating, and Mindy Spence has been working with Doug Lamb on that.
- Grievance Officer – Tanisha King-Taylor has met with an individual in District 10, and Tracy has had a call from someone in his district.
- Employee Expo Update – Amy noted that the Planning Committee was going well, and that exhibitions and tables are ready. Basic CAP info will be provided, post-it note communications will be invited, and Kristina is helping to set-up and bringing the CAP poster.
- Academic Human Resources Report – Elyne Cole noted that there is no new news about budget, though she gets calls about reductions; nothing is happening in a formal way. There is no update on the health care premiums issue; Chancellor and Provost are concerned, but there are currently no specifics. The changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act are a hot topic. There have been many meetings with departments. Elizabeth Rockman noted that Rick Atterberry had summarized one of those meetings, and will report on that the following month. Elyne said that departments are reacting differently, and that it’s a very expensive law but the impacts are not known yet. The next steps for HR are to work with supervisors on the specifics of who will be impacted and how to communicate with those individuals.
- Unfinished Business – The small group related to notice rights will meet soon.
- New Business – Jessica Beaudoin was elected as CAP representative for District 4, Kimberly Brown was elected as CAP Senator for District 3, and Wenzhong Jiang and Gina Manola were elected to be sent forward for the one position on the Joint Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Licensing and Investment.
Ginger Velasquez may be invited to a future CAP meeting to address UA budget transparency.
- Closed Session – Closed session was held for discussion of the above-noted elections.
- Adjournment – Betoel Escobar made the motion to adjourn, and Tanisha seconded; motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.