September 2016 Minutes

Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, September 1, 2016, 314A Illini Union
Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman

Attendees:  Rich Gegg (1), Kristina Miller (1), Amy Hovious (2), Shawna Naidu (3), Todd Spinner (3), Andrew Reynolds (4), Rick Atterberry (5), Wendy White (5), Teresa Steckler (6), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tracy Parish (8), Mindy Spencer (8), Rebecca Ferrell (9), Richard Stokes (9), Ravi Ramrattan, Elizabeth Rockman (10), Beth Hall (11), Jeffrey Stein (11), Deb Stone (ex-officio)

  1. Call to Order – Chair Jeffrey Stein called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
  1. Paul Ellinger, Vice Provost for Budget and Resource Planning: Vickie Gress accompanied Vice Provost Ellinger, who discussed the following:
  • State support of each students, compared within the CIC
  • State funding trends, with context that State pays benefits
  • UIUC Budget breakouts by funding types (tuition, State, grants, etc.)
  • Budget shortfalls, permanent reductions, and budget allocations
  • Budget annual average growth (largest is financial aid)
  • Central investments in financial aid
  • Guiding principles of budgeting
  • Promoting fiscal management with strategic planning for access and diversity
  • What lies ahead related to sustained State commitment, philanthropy, tuition, barriers to funding, Budget Reform Initiative, new revenue streams (online, etc.)
  • New Budget Reform initiative to be implemented in next 2 ½ years

Questions and comments followed:

  • If we are not relying on State funding as much, should we be a public institution? Ellinger noted that benefits are covered by the State, and we do not have the endowments to support that cost.  Gress also noted that all buildings are owned by the State, and would have to be purchased.
  • Comment was made about the fact UIUC makes more money from out-state students, but that campus has pressure from politicians about in-state students.
  • How was money disbursed in FY16 that was not yet approved/received? Gress noted that there have been cash contingency plans.
  • Economic impact of UI on state was discussed, and expertise could be provided to help with budget.
  • Ellinger noted he is seeking more dialogue, and would use CAP for input.
  1. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Elizabeth Wahle made a motion to approve, and Rich Gegg seconded; motion passed.
  1. Public Comment – None.
  1. Chair’s Comments – Jeff reported that for Fall CAP meetings, he is working to have Parking in October, Chancellor Jones in November, and Interim Provost Feser in November. For Spring CAP meetings, he will work on scheduling President Killeen, and CAPE is in April.
  1. Announcements:

Expo – Amy Hovious confirmed that Employee Expo is October 18.  There will be an ideas poster board, brochures, and some giveaways will be purchased through AHR funds.  Volunteers are asked to cover 9:30 – 2:30.  Kristina Miller has the CAP banner.

Ad Hoc Committee related to Notice Rights – Rick Atterberry noted that Gay Miller was concerned about potential reduction of notification rights for APs.  Deb Stone thought more info was needed as to whether serious consideration has been given to this issue or if benchmarking is the main goal.  Discussion focused on forming a group to address what could be done if such a possibility were sought.  Jamie Painter clarified that UA was asked to prepare benchmarking information, for purposes of presenting to the Board of Trustees.  Jeff asked if this information could be shared with CAP, and will follow-up with Jamie.

7th Senate Review – Melissa said the Senate is supportive of formal approval to add seats for Districts 4, 7, and 10.  She recommended redistricting right away to remove offices the Senate would reject, and for numbers balance.  Elizabeth noted that Betoel Escobar, Ronnie Kann, and she had suggested reasoning several years before for not doing so (as the administrative leadership is already removed through other means), and to maintain integrity of the districts that have not yet been represented yet.

  1. Committee Reports:

CAPE Awards Committee – There were 46 nominations (at least one from each district) to serve on the CAPE Awards Committee.  CAPE flyers will be made available at Expo.

University Professional Personnel Advisory Committee – No report.

Academic Professional Senators – Rick said that there was to be review of the professional and ethical responsibilities of the Division of Athletics, as campus is very supportive.

Senate, Campus, and University Committees – Jeff updated that the Chancellor has reported to the SEC about budget, and that Humanities faculty resignations are up 66% over last year; also the American Indian Studies program is being looked at for viability since there are currently no affiliated faculty.

Procedures and Elections Committee – Tracy noted there is a vacancy on the Joint Committee on Socially Responsible Licensing and Investment; of two names forwarded, the Chancellor will accept one.  There are CAP vacancies for District 2 and 4.  Tracy is working on an Ad Hoc Committee with Mindy, Elizabeth and Rick to summarize some protocols:  a philosophical statement, notes on speakers to schedule, officer transition, communications, and bylaws will all be covered.

Communications Committee – Mindy stated that CAP has a PR issue, and she would like to brand CAP.  She asked that Doug Lamb provide new AP contact info quarterly.


Grievance Officer – No report.

  1. Academic Human Resources Report – Deb Stone said that budget had been covered by Paul Ellinger. She pointed out that President Killeen was quoted in the News-Gazette as supporting a mid-year salary increase.  The Civil Service elimination period has passed, and vacancies are now being announced, with requests for testing; movement is not normal, but is happening.  AHR continues to work on the Civil Service Audit, and the Merit Board will institute processes to review the Director.  The Provost did release an announcement related to the new FLSA changes that post-doc’s will be raised to the minimum to align with peers; NIH will also be adjusting stipends.  The rest of the categories will continue to be addressed, and more information can be found at  The amount of overtime that will be paid will be 1.5 times the salary rate rather than 50%.  Beth Hall asked if there were any info about the health increases, ie., when it would be decided, and if it would be retroactive, and Deb responded that there was no new info.   There is a replacement for NESSIE for certain functions that will go live at the end of the month.
  1. Unfinished Business – None.
  1. New Business – Jennifer Ehrnthaller was elected as CAP representative for District 2.
  1. Closed Session – This was held briefly for the District 2 election.
  1. Webtools Demonstration/Training – This was rescheduled until the October meeting.
  1. Adjournment – Kristina Miller made the motion to adjourn, and Richard Stokes seconded; motion passed.  Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.