May 2016 Minutes

Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, May 5, 2016, 314A Illini Union
Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman

Attendees:  Richard Gegg (1), Kristina Miller (1), Kathleen Booth (2), Shawna Naidu (3), Todd Spinner (3), Maeve Reilly (4), Dustin Yocum (4), Rick Atterberry (5), Wendy White (5), Teresa Steckler (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tanisha King-Taylor (7), Tracy Parish (8), Mike Bohlmann (9), Melissa Madsen (9), Ravi Ramrattan (10), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Beth Hall (11), Jeffrey Stein (11), Elyne Cole (ex-officio)

  1. Call to Order – Chair Mike Bohlmann called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m.
  1. Public Comment – None.
  1. Chair’s Remarks – Mike Bohlmann welcomed new/incoming members Amy Hovious and Andrew Reynolds, and recognized Kathleen Booth and Maeve Reilly, who were leaving CAP. He thanked CAP members who served in leadership positions, including Rich Gegg as Vice Chair, Elizabeth Rockman as Secretary, and Melissa Madsen as At-Large Member; Beth Hall as Grievance Officer and Jeff Stein as Assistant Grievance Officer; Maeve Reilly as Communications Chair and Mindy Spencer as Communications Vice Chair; and Tim Flanagin as CAPE Chair and Kristina Miller as CAPE Vice Chair.

Mike noted that the CAPE reception was very successful.  He discussed the last Senate meeting of the 2015-2016 Academic Year, and that there was a heavy agenda.  He looked back at a productive year, with little time on the CS issue, good inroads on strategic planning, work on Provost Communications, and background checks.

  1. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Jeff Stein made the motion to approve, and Ravi Ramrattan seconded; motion passed.
  1. Announcements:

Report from Academic Professional Senators; and Senate, Campus, and University Committee Reports – Rich Gegg noted that General University Policy wrapped up and finished resolutions on licensing, IT accessibility; he also noted on the background check policy that 303 had been completed, and no one was denied employment, and that next year there would be a policy introduced on multi-year contracts.  Elizabeth Rockman discussed the drafting of the Faculty Staff Assistance Program’s UPLIFT effort.  Rick Atterberry talked about Diversity and Inclusion efforts, and that the Athletic Board needs to report.  Jeff Stein talked about the Admission Committee and President Killeen’s targeted admissions goal; Provost Feser has appointed an Enrollment Strategy Committee, and the Chair of the Admissions Committee will contact him to ensure there is broader representation.

  1. Communications Committee – Nothing to report beyond the fact many e-mails have been sent.
  1. Procedures and Elections Committee – Rich thanked Maeve Reilly and Amanda Tucker for their help with elections. There will be a special election for a 2-year spot in District 2 and an AP Senator seat in District 6.

For the CAP Elections Committee, Tracy Parish is the lead person, and Melissa Madsen and Elizabeth Rockman are helping as well.

  1. Grievance Officer Update – There will be a closed session at the end of the meeting.
  1. Academic Human Resources Report by the Associate Provost for Human Resources

Budget Update – Still no state budget, and clarification was given about the information request for Civil Service layoffs (there was inaccurate information in local and state newspapers); the announcement was not meant to inspire anxiety or tell departments to eliminate positions, but it was meant to reduce the numbers of individuals who would be bumped.  So far the numbers of AP’s receiving notice have been the same as in the past.  Mike asked about the stop-gap funding, and Elyne said there was no further update.

Academic Professional Development Fund – The program has been suspended, and to date the fund has paid for 103 requests, for a total of $53,019.50 (total declined 5, none pending).  Rick asked if the Business Managers Group was notified, and Elyne noted that they were on the list to tell.

Otherwise, Elyne also explained the role of benefits being determined by AFSCME negotiation happening at the state level, which is currently being mediated with the Labor Board.  Deb Stone added that there should be a decision from the Labor Board.  Elyne noted the rates could be much higher, and Deb clarified that would be according to which level individuals choose.  Kathleen Booth noted the difficulty of choosing plans for which costs are not finalized, and Rick touched on faculty retention.

Elyne reiterated that due to the SURS changes, individuals cannot commit to future employment after notice is given of retirement.

  1. Ad hoc committee on CAP role in budget crisis – No update.
  1. Ad hoc committee on by-laws update – Maeve made a motion for Mike to work with Elyne on language within the statute, and Kristina seconded; motion passed.
  1. Orientation planning for new CAP members and AP Senator representatives – Orientation is in June.
  1. Unfinished Business – Tracy Parish noted that he talked with Katie Ross of Benefits, and that she clarified the status of the in-network payments issue. Individuals are encouraged to call their benefits provider.
  1. New Business – A guest brought up the non-tenure track faculty issue relating to CAP.
  1. Closed Session for Privileged Information/Grievances – Closed Session was held to discuss a grievance.
  2. Adjournment – Kristina Miller made the motion to adjourn, and Ravi Ramrattan seconded; motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m.