Council of Academic Professionals
Thursday, September 3, 2015, 407 Illini Union
Meeting Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Rockman
Attendees: Richard Gegg (1), Kristina Miller (1), Kathleen Booth (2), Ramachandran Radhakrishnan (2), Shawna Naidu (3), Todd Spinner (3), Dustin Yocum (4), Maeve Reilly (4), Teresa Steckler (6), Elizabeth Wahle (6), Betoel Escobar (7), Tanisha King-Taylor (7), Tracy Parish (8), Mindy Spencer (8), Melissa Madsen (9), Mike Bohlmann (9), Ravi Ramrattan (10), Elizabeth Rockman (10), Beth Hall (11), Jeffrey Stein (11), Elyne Cole (ex-officio)
I. Call to Order – Chair Bohlmann called the meeting to order at 1:22 p.m.
II. Public Comment: None
III. President Killeen’s Visit
President Killeen discussed the following:
- Development efforts
- Financial and budget issues
- More students than ever before, graduates three times more likely to pay off student debt, lots of loyal alumni
- Need state budget, wants all to advocate for that
- Public education’s impact on the economy
- Desire to not raise tuition: committed to accessibility, diversity (both in workforce and student population)
- Lots of great leadership in place, a need to keep transparency and integrity
- Understanding that change can be demoralizing
- Important priorities of excellence, safety, and professional development: wants UI to be a great place to work and learn
President Killeen addressed questions:
- Furloughs are not being considered to balance budget: attrition is an important consideration, salaries are being paid
- Tuition and FY 2015 state payments have been received, budget cuts have been analyzed, though consistency is the goal
- Trying to take high road with budget: higher education is too important to leave behind (economy and public policy)
- Extension impact goes beyond agrarian concerns, participates in economic fabric of state
- Processes (doing more with less) must be looked at to deal with regulatory burden: shared services must be used
- 50% tuition waiver considered key to recruitment
- Plans to visit various locations on and off campus
- Capital projects are not in progress: unfinished buildings sitting unused
- Efforts to support inclusion of races and backgrounds: students and staff through recruitment, retention
- Issues with Urbana-Champaign campus leadership: efforts to embody integrity and commitment to highest standards
IV. Chair’s Remarks – Mike Bohlmann has been attending emergency meetings of the Senate Executive Committee related to the Chancellor search process. He discussed issues related to recent leadership changes and controversy, and that AP’s have a role in doing our part to restore public trust.
V. Review and Approval Previous Month’s Minutes – Rich Gegg made the motion to approve with a few changes, and Jeffrey Stein seconded; motion passed.
VI. Announcements:
Report from Academic Professional Senators – AP Senator John Epifanio of District #11 reported on last Senate meeting’s non-action item/1st reading of Provost Communication #3, which is being redrafted (and page 8 of the item has a relationship to Academic Professionals with some form of faculty status). John wanted to be sure that CAP was being consulted, and will forward on the information; Mike will check the Senate Agenda on this item.
Senate, Campus and University Committee Reports – None
VII. Communications Committee – Maeve Reilly asked for edits to the new CAP website. Access has been given to CAP district e-mails.
VIII. Procedures and Elections Committee: There will be special elections for Districts 2 and 9 (incumbents changed districts).
IX. CAPE Awards: Nominees should be in touch to each district (hopefully 2 per district) to be considered for the CAPE Awards Committee.
X. Grievance Officer Update: There have been 4 inquiries, with 1 being filed officially (rest will likely be resolved unofficially).
XI. Academic Human Resources Report by the Associate Provost for Human Resources
Budget and Academic Professional Development Fund – Nothing on budget other than what the President covered. APDF re-started at 7/1/15 for FY with $75,000; 27 requests totaling $13,154 have been received, with all approved.
SUCSS 2015 Audit – Audit still not finalized. Search for new SUCSS Director underway; 3 finalists have been interviewed, and they now meet Merit Board. Interim Director is from UI Civil Service system, and has been good to work with: has met with HR Directors to identify issues, and there is good dialogue.
Background Check Policy – New policy related to hiring in to all positions (remains same for those in security sensitive positions and protection of minors) has gone to the BOT, and will be effective October 5. HR is in charge of all procedures. Visiting is related if individual is an employee. It was suggest that there be an FAQ for this policy.
XII. Employee Expo Volunteers – October 20, need people for 9-12 set-up, 10-1 influx, and 12-3 cleanup; Teresa Steckler, Shawna Naidu, and Mike Bohlmann respectively volunteered.
XIII. Provost Communication #22 – Jeffrey Stein will summarize and send the document; the background is to investigate language related to potential violation of providing annual reviews; it would be good to have input and perspective to make proposals. Jeff expects the timeline to be to work to deliver recommendations to CAP by the beginning of November. Other volunteers are Betoel Escobar, Mara Freeman, Richard Gegg, and Tanisha King-Taylor.
XIV. Bylaws Review Ad Hoc Committee – Mike Bohlmann, Kathleen Booth, and Kostas Yfantis will draft next step language by November or December; there are multiple layers of Chancellor approval to seek as well.
XV. Chancellor Search – The process is being determined by the Committee on Committees. The Senate Executive Committee will put forward the nominations of the AP, Civil Service, and Faculty representatives; Senate will vote on the full slate.
XVI. Unfinished Business – It was decided not to do Fall Open Enrollment for Long-Term Disability.
XVII. New Business – None.
XVIII. Closed Session for Privileged Information/Grievances – Closed session was held.
XIX. Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.